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Beauty came in many ways,

But Rena,

She had none.

With awful hair,

and terrible skin,

nothing good, could be done.

But on one fatefully strange day,

When the sun was high,

the sky was blue,

and not a cloud was left afloat,

a dark strange man,

took Rena to a land,

which is left unknown by most.

Now the land was rich,

with soil and honey,

―livestock and cattle,

to fill one's tummy.

The man took Rena,

and fixed her hair,

he treated her skin,

until it gleamed.

"Thank you my dear lord,

you've fixed me to perfection,

as for nearly nothing,

could save my terrible, complexion."

"You have not to worry,

my dear beautiful Rena,"

The stranger replied, as he kissed her on the shoulder.

Rena smiled, and bade goodnight,

to the beautiful stranger, 

that had fixed her right.

But she did not know,

oh, she did not know,

that this would be, 

her very last night.

For when the moon rose high,

and it did beam very bright,

it covered the peacefully sleeping Rena,

in a soft blanket of light.

 Then the stranger took a knife,

and without any strife,

He took the dear, beautiful Rena's life.

"Why?" Rena had asked, as she was passing,

"why did you put the knife into me,

and let my blood go spilling?"

The stranger just sighed, 

as he shook his head gently,

"beautiful things don't ever last forever,

otherwise evil things too,

will gladly endeavour,

so I must end your beauty now,

as your lover,

not your hater,

and make your name stand greatly,

not for evil,

but as for something always beautiful."

And as Rena breathed,

her very last breath,

The man held her close,

until her very death.

Then as the years flew past,

a legend, began to last,

about a beautiful young woman,

who's very soul was stolen,

from a rusted knife,

and a man she thought as trusted.

Though stories may grow old,

as they are constantly re-told,

the story of Rena,

will forever, remain,

watching, and waiting,

for the destruction of evil.

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