The Girl

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I met her eyes that shined through the coming darkness of the night. they glowed silver, I had never seen anything like it. she wore a grey nightgown that flew behind her like wisps in the wind. her lips were parted and her eyes were surprised, I could understand why, she had probably seen me just jump over the fence like a madman robber.

the last patch of sunlight spread across her face making the drops of grey, translucent liquid glitter and shine and another one fell down her cheek like they were...tears. her skin had no color it was just white that contrasted with the shadows cast onto her face and the midnight black hair that cascaded down her bare shoulders. I knew what she was but with the sun illuminating her profile, she looked nothing like what I thought a demon would.

She stepped back. "You," I attempted to stop her. She took another step when I stepped forward, she went backwards in a quick escape from this situation and her hand touched the metal bars on the balcony before she instantly jerked her hand back and wincing. "Iron" she cursed before going inside.

I was left staring at where she stood before I felt a hand on my shoulder. "There you are, Luc," Johnathan said "You've been gone all day. You were supposed to meet the rest of the girls hours ago." I was barely listening, still in a daze from what I just saw. "Come on then." he said.


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