Chapter 1

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The rain outside was pounding hard onto the classrooms window and lightning lit up the sky. Mr. Tommy continued his afternoon lecture on physics as the class lazily listened in. I doodled on my notes, drawing random things while managing to write something relevant down every now and then. I was 19, supposed to graduate last year but I didn't have the credits so i had to suffer through one more year. Today was Friday, the last day before Spring Break, the week that I would finally be able to sit around and catch up on some of my TV shows. For once I'm grateful my mom went on that business trip to Hawaii. I was starting to fidget in my seat at the thought of being able to eat all the sweets I wanted and I glanced at the clock every five minutes.

'Come on already! How much slower can fifteen minutes go by?' I mentally groaned and sunk farther into my uncomfortable chair. I felt a poke on my shoulder and looked over to my friend sitting beside me. He handed me a folded piece of paper then looked back towards the teacher at the front of the room. I gave him a weird look before slowly unfolding the paper.

{Wanna come over to my house and play some video games? Actually, how bout a sleepover?} I smirked andglance at him out of the corner of my eye before writing down my response.

[Sure! Sounds fun but I gotta grab some stuff from my house first. I'll be over around 6, k?] I folded the paper and slipped it into his hand right as the dismissal bell rang. We stood up and rushed out of the room, Mr. Tommy yelling something about watching the news but I doubt anyone else heard, poor man.

"Don't be late, (Y/N)! I really want to try out my new game." Seth said, nudging my shoulder. I laughed before poking him in the side causing him to yelp and jump away from me.

"I won't be late I promise" I stuck out my tongue before running out to my truck, driving off to my little apartment.


I pushed the door closed behind me and locked it. Walking to the couch, I sat down and turned on the news. There was a breaking news story just coming on so I turned up the volume and listened.

*Breaking News*
"The government has just released information about a newly developed project that was set into motion just yesterday. This project was to create a machine that could create a multiuniversal portal, allowing 'fiction' characters to become real and enter our reality. Scientists say that this is a huge breakthrough. The first portal was opened up just yesterday and Tony Stark, aka Ironman, emerged from it. Though there have been some problems on closing the portal since, the scientists say it's no danger to us.

Here's what Ironman has to say,'Well I was certainly surprised when I found myself here but I would love to help out in this universe. But I fear if the portal does not close soon then others from my universe, good and bad, will also slip through.' More on this story will be aired at 9" **

I stared at my screen with shock and amazement. A portal was allowing superheroes into our world! I was completely amazed. This was a huge breakthrough but it could be good or bad.

"I gotta tell Seth about this!"


"Did you hear the news, dude! They have a portal that is letting superheroes into our world. This is awesome, maybe I can meet Spiderman, or Deadpool!"

I was excitedly telling Seth about the news I had heard while we sat down in his room. He didn't believe me at first but then he saw all the chatter about it on Instagram and now he was just staring at his wall processing everything.

"So... it's just Ironman in our world right now?" Seth questioned me, finally coming out of his daze.

"As far as the scientists have told anybody but I think there's some more that came through.That or either they don't want to tell us about or they themselves don't even know about slipped through." I said to him. "The news said there would be more on the story at 9, switch it on would ya?" He nodded, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on to the news.

**Breaking News**
"The portal that was opened yesterday has not yet closed since then and according to our sources more hereos, even villians, are starting to come through. This could be the start of something horrible because not only is the portal allowing these characters to slip through but it also sends them to random locations around the U.S-"

Seth suddenly stands up and looks at the TV, scared. I give him a weird look before he points at the screen. I stare at his finger and follow it to the TV, screaming when I saw what was happening. Something, no someONE's hand was sticking out of it and more of there body was still coming through. In fear, I quickly went over to Seth's bed and slid under it. He ran over to his closet and hid inside it. Static sounded out from the TV as another hand slowly came out following the other. Now there were two elbows leading up to an elbow. The arms were covered by red and black spandex.

'Oh no, this better not be who I think it is' I say to myself. Head and shoulders pop out.

"Man, what the hell! Why am I stuck in a fucking TV?!" The man, who I now recognize as Deadpool, begins to pull the rest of himself out from the TV until he finally stands in the middle of Seth's bedroom. "Alright, now then, where the chimichangas am I?" Deadpool begins looking around the room, glancing towards the bed where I lay holding my breath, hands over my mouth. His masks white eyes narrow into slits, like he knew exactly where I was. Eventually he looked away and locked on to the closet. He slinks towards the closed door.

'Oh shit, Oh shit, OH SHIT!!!' I scream in my head as his hands reaches for the handle and takes a hold of it. I gasp loudly as he turns it but stops suddenly at the noise. His eyes run back to the bed and he slowly walks towards it. I watch, terrified as his black boots stop just as he reaches it. I hold my breath.


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