Watching From Afar

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It was one of those ordinary nights with you

Lying on the ground of soft-bedded grass

That causes ticklish feeling on my skin---

Familiar feeling that also tickles my heart.

We were gazing at the clear night sky

As stars start to expose their brightness

With those few hovering clouds

Like fog-like smoke, vague in our sights.

Certain star caught our eyes

We were mesmerized at that very moment

As it shines bright with various colors---

We both fell in love with its vividness.

You started to stretch out your arms

Like you're trying to reach Polaris

And catching it with your bare hands

Sweet promises escaped your lips.

"I will do everything to get that star."

"I will embrace its light with my whole heart."

"I will drown myself with its wild fire."

"I'm more than willing to melt for that star."

You sounded like a romantic poet

While pronouncing every sweet line.

Your eyes were shining 'like diamonds in the sky'

I even heard Rihanna's voice singing on the background.

We were just few inches away

But I felt like I was watching you from afar

Like the way you watch that bright star

And trying to reach it with your hopeful heart.

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