Chapter 51: Evaluation

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*Rachel POV*

I woke up to green eyes staring at me through the dark. I flinched.

"It's about time you woke up!"

"Olivia! You can't just do that to people!"

"Yeah, but I wanted to see what would happen."

I sat there mourning my lost sleep for a few seconds, wondering if there was some dream in my head that I was missing.

"What time is it?" I asked, after a while of silence.

Olivia was looking out my window. "You know, you should put your desk by your window. It helps with studying. The light."

"There's no light right now. What time is it?"

"You're no fun. It's 5 AM."

"Why, Olivia? Why?"

"I think I have jet lag."

"That makes sense."

"So what do you British people do?"

I laughed, "Anything you do, really. And I'm not really British."

"Sure, whatever you say. But what are you going to have me do?"

"I don't really do much. You could play tourist with me. Or we could meet Dan and Phil."

"Is Phil his supposed gay lover?"

I laughed, "Yes."

"I would love to meet them. Then I can make sure he's really right for you."

I felt nervous. I didn't even know what to do. Was having someone else's opinion on the matter only make things more confusing? I didn't want anyone deciding my future for me.

"Sure. You're such a romantic," I played off my worries.

"You say you love him, but you don't know what to do. If he loves you too, then what's the problem? I'll have to make sure he does. London is your home. Get a boy who lives here who loves you and you love him. Bingo. It's not that complicated. If not him, I'm going to match you to someone."

I really started worrying now. "I appreciate that, but, I'm worried that'll only freak me out."

"You still freak out about everything, don't you? You need to relax. Love is not something to worry about."

I could tell that arguing with her would not end up in her agreement, but my own frustration, so I left it alone, and worried more than before.


Walking down the London streets felt different. Everything was from a new perspective, and a new question of whether I belonged here. People always say you discover yourself in college, but now, at the end of my years, I was wondering if that promise had come true in its entirety. Things seemed different, and I was braver, stronger, and more alive. Maybe it was just these passing months that messed things up, but I was starting to think I was lost all over again.

Olivia screamed at the slightest raindrop. She wasn't serious, just being fun about it. I smiled, and giggled a little when people around us looked back with wide eyes that narrowed in judgment. "If you're going to keep doing that, you'll lose your voice."

"I hate getting wet," she said.

"Here," I handed her my umbrella, "I don't mind."


Dan opened the door, and smiled warmly at my entrance. I formed a smile back, and walked inside. Olivia followed. I gestured to her, "This is Olivia, one of the strangest people I know. In the good way." I paused as they glanced at each other. I could already tell Olivia was evaluating Dan's love. "And this is Dan. My internet famous boyfriend."

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