You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)

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While Tig was gone I cleaned the house because leaving Daisy here alone for 3 days wasn't a very good idea. At around 3:30 p.m. there was a knock on the door. I stopped what I was doing and grabbed a baseball bat. I looked through the peephole and there stood someone I thought I would never see agian. I quickly but quietly ran to the bedroom and called Tig.
"Hey baby. What's wrong?" I was crying by now.
"Tig it's him. He's standing outside the door. I don't know what to do." I sobbed.
"Hey hey baby calm down. Lock yourself in the bedroom and the boys and I will be there soon alright?"
"Yeah alright.Will you please stay on the phone?"
"Yeah baby. Just calm down alright?."
"Yeah." I heard motorcycles start up in the background then take off. Even though Tig wasn't talking I felt better to know he was on his way. Soon I heard the engines outside and they stopped on both the phone and outside.
"Baby you still there." I barely managed to get out a yes.
"Alright we are coming up. Stay put and be quite." Tig hung up the phone and I sat back on the bed. I could have sworn I heard a gun go off but it was very quit almost as if they had a silencer on it. About 10 minutes later there was a knock on the bedroom door . I stayed quit not knowing what to do.
"Baby open the door." I got up and unlocked the door and there stood Tig. I flung myself into his arms and wrapped my legs around his and buried my head in his neck. He walked us into the bedroom so the boys couldn't see me from down the hallway. I sobbed into his chest as he sat down on the bed.
"Shh baby your alright. Calm down." I cried for about 15 more minutes before I finally calmed down. Tig just kept rubbing my back and I finally got off his lap and sat on the bed close to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and hugged his waist.

You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)Where stories live. Discover now