You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)

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Tig woke me the next morning. On our way to CaraCara we stopped at a diner to eat breakfast. We sat down next to each other and the slutty waitress took our order. I swear she was trying to push her boobs up before she came towards the table.
"Hi baby. May I take your order?" She asked Tig.
"Im married and a coffee."
"Is that all?"
"Excuse me bitch. First of all put your fake ass tits back in your fucking shirt that's what it's made for. Second stop flirting with my husband you skank. Third get me a water. And finally don't fucking piss off the pregnant woman!" I yelled pointing to my stomach. Her eyes went wide and her mouth was hanging open. Tig glared at her and grabbed my hand. She nodded her head quickly and ran off. Tig laughed and kissed me on the lips.
"I love you Mrs. Trager." he said smiling.
"I love you too Mr. Trager." We kissed again and the waitress set our drinks down in front of us.
"Would you like to get anything for breakfast?" she asked in a shaky voice. I smirked.
"3 pancakes since I'm eating for 3 now." I said smiling at Tig. He smiled back.
"I'll have the same." Tig replied. She walked off and Tig looked down at me.
**( If you're wondering they left Abel with Opie at the clubhouse :)**
About 15 minutes later the bitch brought us our food and I gave her an evil glare. When we both finished Tig paid and we left for CaraCara. We pulled in a few minutes later. We had to walk through the studio to get to the back room where the photo shoot would be. It was the most disgusting thing I had ever seen but Tig acted like it was normal and didn't look at any of the girls.When we got to the back room Juice stood there with Miles
"Aye Juice why is the prospect here?"
"Sorry man had to bring him so I could bring your bike here." Tig nodded and I noticed his bike sitting in the room.
"Alright so if it's alright with you Tig we will do just Katie and then both of you." Juice said. Tig looked down at me and I nodded.
"Alright go ahead and go into the changing room. The first one I was thinking you could have in Tigs cut like buttoned over your breasts then open on your stomach." Tig lead me into the changing room and I came out wear my maternity skinny jeans and just Tigs cut covering my breasts. Juice made me stand in the middle of the set. He set my hands in a heart shape over the middle part of my stomach then snapped a picture. The next one I had my hands on each side of my body and he placed a pair of baby leather biker boots with blue straps in each hand then took the picture. The last one he took of just me he had me sit on Tigs bike.
For the next photos Juice had Tig take off his shirt and we stood facing each other. Tig placed his hands on my stomach and I placed mine on top of his. We kissed and Juice took the picture. This lasted for 3 hours and we had taken at least 50 plus photos. After we picked the pictures we wanted in black in white I got redressed. Tig was waiting when I came out.
Tig and I go into the truck and went back to the clubhouse while Juice followed on Tigs bike and Miles followed him in the van. We pulled into the clubhouse parking lot about 30 minutes later. We got out of the truck and I didn't wait for Tig before going inside. We were still fighting over what happened before the brake in. Once I was inside Gemma was talking to Clay at the bar and Opie was trying to teach Abel to play pool. I walked over and Opie looked up.
"Oh hey did you hear Tara woke up today?"
"No! Why am I just now finding out?" As I turned around to walk back out the door I pumped chests with Tig and he caught me.
"What's the rush doll?"
"Tara woke up!" I grabbed Tigs hand and we walked back out to the truck. We pulled into St. Thomas 20 minutes later.
I walked to the receptionist desk and the girl looked up.
"Hi I'm looking for Tara Teller?"
"Yes ma'am room 512 on the 5th floor." I watched as she moved her eyes to Tig.
"Well hey there handsome. Can I help you with anything today?" she asked him seductivley.
"Fuck off whore." Tig said and grabbed my hand and walked towards the elevator. He angrily got me into the elevator and pressed the 5. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and the elevator doors opened. We walked until we found room 512 and I knocked lightly. Jax opened the door and we stepped inside.
Tara was awake watching tv and she looked over at us.
"Katie?" I nodded and started to cry. I walked to her and hugged her gently. When I pulled away she started to rub my stomach.
"What are they?"
"Boys." I said with a huge smile on my face.
"Awesome! When I woke up this morning we found out that I'm pregnant." she replied.
"Oh my god Tara that's great! Congratulations!" A nurse walked after that.
"I'm sorry but visiting hours are now over." I rolled my eyes and hugged Tara one more time before Tig and I left. We went back to the clubhouse and there was a huge crowd outside.
"Tig what's going on?"
"We're on lock down. Bad deal with the Irish." I nodded and then I saw Abel running towards us. I picked him up when he reached me and set him on my hip. Happy called For Tig.
"Get in the ring brother!" Tig smiled and handed me his rings and cut the removed his shirt and placed it in my arms. He walked off and got in the ring with Happy. Everyone in the crowd cheered and clapped as Happy took a swing at Tig and missed. By the end they had gone 4 rounds and Tig was winning. Bobby ended up breaking up the fight and Happy and Tig hugged each other. Tig walked back over to me and I walked behind him through the crowd inside the clubhouse. We reached our room and sat Abel down I cleaned up Tigs face and wrapped up his knuckles. While he took I shower I changed Abel then myself and we both go in bed. At around 11 p.m. Tig came up and got in bed as well. He wrapped his arms around Abel and me and we all fell asleep.
Sorry if this chapter was pitiful! I had no clue what to write about sorry!:)

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