You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)

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It has been 3 week since Tig and I got married and since the incident. This morning I woke with a start and jumped out of bed waking up Tig. I ran to the bathroom and puked up all of my dinner from last night. I heard Tig walk up behind me .
"Hey doll you alright?" I nodded.
"I was sick like this yesterday when you were gone."
"You on your period or something."
"No not yet... wait." I stood up and walked to the medicine cabinet. The box of tampons I bought 1 month ago hasn't been opened.
"Uh Tig can you go get my phone please?" He stood up and walked back in the room. I slid down the wall with multiple thoughts running through my head. Tig came back and handed me my phone. I dialed Tara's number.
"Tara Teller."
"Tara um I think I might know the answer but I hope I'm wrong. Can we meet at the clubhouse?"
"Sure see you in a little bit." We hung up and Tig just looked at me.
"What's going on Katie?"
"Please Tig please don't freak out until we figure this out."
"Just tell me what is going on!"
"I think I'm ..." I looked down towards my stomach "pregnant." Tig stood up.
"What? What the fuck are you talking about?!" I hugged my knees to my chest.
"I think I'm pregnant. I puked this morning and yesterday morning. I was supposed to have my period the night after the incident but it never happened. Then this morning when you asked if the vomiting was because of my period I realized that I'm 2 weeks late."
"FUCK!" Tig slammed his fist on the marble counter and it cracked. I slowly stood up and stayed close to the wall. Then the door bell rang. I started to walk out of the bathroom when Tig grabbed my arm and pushed me behind him and walked out of the room. I followed him and he grabbed his hand gun off the bedside table. I stayed walking behind Tig.
We reached the front door and he yanked it open almost tearing it off the hinges. There stood Tara with terror across her face. Her and Tig are not the best of friends.
"What are you doing here?!" I stepped forward a bit.
"Tig stop she is just here to..."
"Shut up!" he snapped at me.
"I'm guessing you got an answer to your question so I'll just leave..." Tara said. Tig slammed the door in her face and turned around backing me up against the wall.
"Go get dressed. Now. We're leaving." He backed away and I scurried off down the hall. I changed into black yoga pant leggings, a white sons of anarchy shirt and pull over SAMCRO hoodie. I walked out of the room and into the living room. Tig put his cut on and grabbed his keys. I followed him to the truck and we got in.
15 minutes later Tig pulled into St.Thomas. We got out and I walked behind Tig into the hospital. When we got inside Tig slightly turned to me as we walked to the reception desk.
"Figure this crap out." he said sternly. We soon reached the desk.
"Hi ma'am how may I help you today?"
"Uh hi I need to find out if I'm pregnant and if so I want an ultrasound?"
"Oh alright. Well you need to fill out these papers with your insurance,name,and date of birth." I grabbed the papers and Tig and I sat down in the chairs as I filled the paper out and returned it. 15 minutes later the receptionist called my name.
"Katie Trager? Doctor Teller is ready for you." I stood and walked behind Tig as the girl showed us to the room. There stood Tara and the girl left.
"Oh hey Katie. You can sit on this chair while I get everything ready." I nodded and stared at the floor. Tara left the room and I could feel Tigs eyes burning into my back. Tara came back in the room.
"Alright instead of having you take a test we will just skip to the ultrasound. I can tell your pregnant by the look in your eyes so follow me to the room please." I got up and we followed her to the ultrasound room. I sat on the chair and Tara leaned it back so I was now laying.
"Alright I'm gonna need you to pull up you shirt to just below your breast please." I did as she asked.
"Ok now I have to put this gel on your stomach. It will be cold so just bare with me here." She put the cool gel on my stomach and moved a stick around my stomach and looked at the screen.
"Alright it looks like you are about 2 weeks along. Your baby should be here around September 20th." She wiped the gel off of my stomach and I pulled down my shirt. She looked up at Tig then at me sympathetically. She sat down in front of me as I sat up.
"Katie I know this is hard for you. Being 16, married, and pregnant. But I know you and your tough you'll make it through this alright? If you need anything you just call me ok?"
"Alright. Could you not tell anyone. I just want it to sink in before we tell anyone."
"Of course. I'll go finish up all the paper work then you can go home." She got up and walked put of the room. I put my head in my hands.
"Tig I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I really am."
"Shut up. You don't need to be sorry it's both our faults. I'll have to start working more for the club to get money to buy it shit."
"So your not mad?"
"Oh I'm mad but there is nothing we can do about it now." Tara came in the room and I signed were she told me to and she said we could leave and left the room again.
"Go get in the truck." I stood up and walked behind him to the truck. We got in and sat in silence. He didn't even bother to start the engine. We just sat there and then his phone rang.
"What? Now is not a good time!"
"Fine whatever. My wife and I will be there soon." He hung the phone up and threw it on the dashboard. He started the engine and took out of the parking lot.
"Tig where are we going?"
"It's club shit. The boys and I are meeting the Niners and LeRoy." I stayed quiet as Tig sped down the highway. I looked out the window and saw in the rear view mirrors Jax, Clay, Chibs, Juice, Opie, Happy, Kozik, and the new prospect Miles following us. I turned my head back to the road and Tig turned up the radio. Far Away by Nickelback began to play and I hummed along. Nickelback, ACDC, and Hinder is the only music that calmed me. I was never sure why but it did.
About 30 minutes later we pulled into a over crowded casino parking lot. Tig parked the truck in the far corner of the parking lot.
"Alright I'm not leaving you alone so when we get out go stand with Chibs and Juice. Do you understand?"
"Yes I understand." Tig opened the door as did I. I stepped out and walked towards Juice. Tig followed me. He kissed me on the forehead.
"Stay quiet alright? I love you."
"I love you too." He kissed my forehead once again and went to stand by Clay. Juice looked down at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"What's wrong?" I looked up at him.
"You can't tell anyone Juice. No one. I trust you to keep this secret. Can you do that?" He nodded.
"I'm pregnant." I looked at him as his eyes widened.
"Really? That's great Katie!"
"Yeah I guess but daddy didn't seem too excited."I said looking down. Juice looked up and so did I. Clay was talking with LeRoy and Tig would butt in every once in a while. Juice and Chibs stood in front of me the entire time. I felt the urge to cry and I wasn't sure why. It may have been the hormones. During my crying I didn't realize everyone had turned to me.
Tig walked closer and so did Juice and Jax. LeRoy and his men were confused and just looked at us. Tig got closer and right when he went to grab me I turned and vomited. When I was down Tig was rubbing my back.
"Ugh." I groaned wiping the corners of my mouth.
"You alright baby?" Tig asked. I rubbed my stomach.
"Yeah just sick again." Tig nodded and picked me up bridal style carrying me back towards the truck. Juice opened the passenger door and Tig sat me down.
"Juice sit with her while we finish up business. I already know she told you about the kid so just make sure she stays safe." Juice nodded and Tig shut the door. Juice got into the driver side and started the truck and turned on the heat(remember it's early February). The boys talked for about another hour and then LeRoy and his men left. juice got out of the truck and Tig replaced his spot. He pulled out of the parking lot and hit the road.
We pulled into the apartment building parking lot and got out. When we reached the apartment Tig headed straight for the living room.
"You want anything to eat?"
"No. Come sit down." Right when I started to slowly walk towards him my stomach growled.
"Go eat something first. Make it quick." I scurried to the kitchen and grabbed a sandwich that I had from Subway. I ate the sandwich as I head back to the living room and sat at the other end of the couch away from Tig. As soon as I finished my food Tig began to speak.
"You done?" I nodded.
"Good. Now that you are pregnant you are going to need more protection. You will never be alone. Ill be with you at all times and when I'm not Juice, Jax, Opie, or Miles will be. Got that? You don't go anywhere or do anything without my permission. You don't talk to anyone without my permission. Are we clear?"
"Crystal. Can I go to the bathroom or do I have to hold your hand." He glared at me an I stood up. I felt as if my bladder would explode if I didn't get there on time. When I was done I came back and sat down. By now it was noon and I was already tired so I went to bed early.
How do you guys feel about Katie being pregnant? Was it too soon? Is anyone excited for what is to come? Comment and vote please!!:)

You Save Me (Sons of Anarchy) (Arranged Marriage)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang