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FROM inside hotel room, James could hear small noise outside the door plus the shadow through the small space below it. He knew who was it, yet he still could enjoy his morning tea with smile plastered on his face. Few seconds later, Nadine barged into the room with red face due to anger. Her eyes desperately searched for someone until she found him having a cup of tea near the balcony.

"James!" she yelled in anger as she approached him with mad steps. James turned around to her and pretended to be surprised over her return.

"Oh, you have returned. Welcome back, my dear," he said with arms spread to side, but she ignored him and went straight to the bed stand. James seemed knowing the reason of her anger when she reached his phone and unlocked it.

"What the hell did you send to my mother?!" her eyes widened when she checked the message that had been sent by him to Mrs.Hailey. So, this was 'daring' that her mother referred to. James chuckled as he covered his mouth when she turned around and shot him death glare. How could he send the picture of him kissing her while she was sleeping to her mother? Plus, he wrote nonsense thing below the picture, which made her blood boiled over the limit.

"What is the problem? It isn't a porn picture. It is picture of me, kissing my beautiful wife and I only ask my mother-in-law to pray that we can give her grandchild pretty soon. Isn't it sweet?" he grinned widely and it made Nadine angrier with him.

'Mom, we are in Illocos now for our second honeymoon. Look at your daughter sleeping, isn't she beautiful? She makes me want to stay on bed with her all day long. Anyway, we are working hard to grant your wish to become Lola. Join us, Mom. If you are here with us, Naddie will become more determine to have baby. Hehe;)'

"Fuck you! Who are you to make such kind of promise to my mother?! You had planned all these from the beginning, hadn't you?! Come to here and secretly asked my mother to come over, so I won't have chance to get away you!" her anger reached the limit, and James quickly hid behind the couch when she tried to get him.

"Of course you must be by my side all the time, isn't that right, Darling? We are here to make a baby. Maybe inside your tummy already have one," listening to his dirty joke, her face turned redder because of embarrassment. He intentionally to talk what had happened between them last night, which made she wanted to shout that she had consumed morning pills just now, but she was not able to say it.

"Yah, stop it! I don't want to hear anymore about it," grabbing the small pillows on the couch, she madly threw at him, but James managed to evade all of them. He knew that she was embarrassed because last night totally happened due to their desires toward each other. James chuckled in bliss when she quickly ran into the bathroom before he returned to balcony to enjoy his leftover tea.


WAITING outside the arrival hall, Nadine finally saw Mrs.Hailey's figure with a small bag inside her grip. Her smile on pink lips turned wide as she headed toward her mother, and she missed her so much. James watched the scene that resembled the lost daughter who finally reunited with her mother in bliss. Once Mrs.Hailey in front her, Nadine quickly pulled her into the embrace and hugged that plump body tightly.

"Mom, I really miss you so much," she said full of emotion. Mrs.Hailey was smiling until she heard faint sobbing from Nadine.

"Hey, look at you. How can you still cry at this age just because you hadn't seen me about a week?" Mrs.Hailey cupped her face before looked at James who only shrugging his shoulders.

DIRTY LOVE (JADINE COMPLETE STORY)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon