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    Darkness. Then a flash of light. Then shadows consumed me again.

Sticky liquid seeped into my hand. Another flash of light. A large bang, ringing loudly in my ears. So loud I couldn't hear myself think.

I screamed, covering my ears with my hands. I could feel the mysterious liquid splattering on my hair, but I didn't care.

My eyes flew open. I breathed heavily, sweat sliding down the back of my neck. It was still the middle of the night. I could tell by the darkness surrounding me. Jackie, Leslie, and James all seemed to be asleep. I took in deep breaths to try to calm myself, steadying my heartbeat. But I couldn't go back to sleep. Not back to that lair of nightmares.

As quietly as I could, I slid out of my covers and tiptoed down the ladder. In the dark, I fumbled for the handle to my dresser and eventually found it and grabbed my jacket inside. Then, after collected the room key from amongst my clothes, I put on my seashell necklace and stepped out of the room.

The dorm hall was quiet at this time of night. I padded down it, headed towards the elevator. Halfway there, I slipped on the jacket, the sweat all having dried. I didn't know where I was going to go in this huge building, but it was a relief to be out of the room. Leslie's presence was stifling, even when she was asleep. And after my experience in the shooting range with Daniel, I just needed to be alone.

The elevator was empty, and quickly came to pick me up. Scanning the buttons with narrowed eyes, I bit my lip and finally picked twenty-five. The thought of fresh air made me roll on the balls of my feet in anticipation. The elevator didn't stop at all. The base seemed completely abandoned at night. However, I found that wasn't true when I stepped onto the floor.

The black marble flooring and walls gave me an image of Daniel, and I bit my lip in anger.

Stepping quickly, I weaved through the throng of people until I found myself next to the doors leading outside. They opened automatically in response to my stride. The moment I was outside, a cool breeze whipped through my hair. For a moment, I just stood there. Then, moving in a zombie state, I started running. Harder and harder my feet pounded. I circled around the base building, feeling my frustration seep into the ground every time I crashed down onto the grass. Eventually, the tears started streaming. Grunts of anger echoed from my mouth.

When I felt like I was about to faint from all the movement, I finally stopped. I just stood there, breathing hard. Flashes of Daniel's face ran through my head, and the way he completely played me. I thought I had been pretty adamant about how I didn't appreciate G.U.A.R.D.'s secrecy. But I guess daniel either didn't notice or just didn't care.

I yelled in frustration. As the sound bounced off the energy field, I stood in the grass with my lungs pumping. I felt good to get out my emotions. So I yelled again. The one after, I included a punch with, then a kick. A few more punches, a few more kicks, and I was beating up an imaginary opponent.

I hated G.U.A.R.D. They wouldn't tell me anything. I didn't know my past. My "friends" went behind my back. All this spying business—it wasn't me! And the purpose of it all? To fight a supposedly evil agency—but there really was no proof that the agency was evil considering I didn't even know why they did what they did!

I yelled again, pushing all my energy into the punch. As I did, one thought rang clear and true in my mind: I needed to sneak down to the first floor. If G.U.A.R.D. wasn't going to give me answers, I would just have to find them myself.


I didn't go back to the dorm. I stayed in the fields for hours. With my jacket to ward off the cold, and my seashell necklace around my neck, I had all I needed. Sure, my pajamas consisted of shorts and a cami, but I honestly couldn't care less. If the G.U.A.R.D. agents had a problem with it, then they could deal with it themselves.

G.U.A.R.D. Book #3: RecusantWhere stories live. Discover now