Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.
Chase's POV.
I have not been feeling great for awhile. Ever since Douglas and I made the team's suits, I just didn't feel good. But I was mission leader, so I couldn't just say I didn't feel good. It's not like anyone else can just lead them. It takes a born leader, someone who can deal with the biggest problems and minor setbacks calmly and easily, and I don't mean to brag, but I'm the smartest man in the world, I've been working forever to keep and have this role. Without this role, I don't know who I am. So I cannot take a break. The only person who noticed I wasn't feeling too great was Kaz. He was helping me slightly with leading the team, just to be helpful, but then he started getting more and more in control. Then I told him to back off and let me lead the team. That was probably the worse mistake I made next to telling Sebastian about Krane. That happened about a week ago, so I will explain what happened.
A week ago.
I had woken up at around midnight, feeling hot and sick. Knowing that something gross was about to happen, and I didn't want it to happen in my capsule, I ran into the bathroom and knelt down in front of the toilet. After about two seconds of sitting there, I started vomiting. Let's just say I wasn't that quiet. Or quiet at all. I heard someone knock on the door and I tried to answer, but I was still vomiting. I heard the door open and I saw a half asleep Kaz in the doorway, but as soon as he saw what was happening, he seemed to fully wake up immediately.
"Dude, are you ok?" Kaz asked as he came over to me.
"Fi-" I started before being cut off by more vomiting.
"Yeah, why do I have the feeling that you are not fine?" Kaz asked.
After a few more minutes, I finally stopped. Kaz handed me a tissue and I wiped off my face.
"Thanks." I said as I put the tissue in the garbage can.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Kaz asked in concern.
"Yeah. Fine. I must've just eaten something my stomach didn't agree with." I lied as I flushed the toilet.
I felt terrible and I just wanted to sleep forever at this point, Kaz didn't seem to believe my lie as he slapped his hand onto my forehead.
"You feel warm." Kaz said.
"Stop acting like a mom. I am 100 percent fine." I said as I started walking back to my capsule.
"I'm telling Douglas tomorrow morning about this." Kaz said as he started walking back to his bed.
"Wait! Don't! Please!" I suddenly begged as I grabbed his arm.
"Chase. You are obviously sick. And if I know anything, it's sick superheroes. Or sick people in general. I have 11 brothers and sisters. And I somehow always wake up, right before they vomit. It's really gross." Kaz explained.
"Please. Don't tell Douglas. I'll do anything you want." I bribed.
"Well, I really wanna lead a mission." Kaz started.
"Yeah, but if you do it, then the world will go down in flames. Literally!" I yelled.
"Ok then, I guess I'll just go wake up Douglas and tell him about your spew session." Kaz said as he turned to the door.
"Fine! You can be my assistant as mission leader." I groaned.
"I prefer mission liaison." Kaz said.
"How about stop talking right now before you blow it?" I suggested.
"Like how you blew your chunks a few minutes ago?" Kaz suggested.
"Let's just get to bed!" I yelled.
"Any wonder no one else knows about that." Kaz muttered.
"Douglas is a deep sleeper and Skylar snores so loud my sister can hear her through her sound proof capsule. Oliver...I have no idea." I admitted.
"Oh, he wears ear plugs when he sleeps. He used to as a way to block out his parents, and now he can't sleep without them." Kaz explained as he got in his bed.
"Goodnight Kaz." I said as I started walking to my capsule, but then my stomach started churning.
'Crap' I thought to myself as I turned around and ran back into the bathroom to vomit again, resulting in a groan from Kaz as I heard him get out of bed again and come back into the bathroom.
Well guys, I decided to post this one since I will be doing the sequel sometime this summer!
What do you guys think of this one so far?
Also, I will be posting Big dreams, big disasters after this and then Elite Invasion.
Over and out.

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