Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.
Chase's POV.
After that mission, I felt like every ounce of energy was sucked out of me. Like I was slowly dying. But I knew I would be fine. After all, it was just a bug, right? I went over to the couch and laid down, after what seemed like a few seconds, I felt sick. Why did I keep vomiting? I ran to the bathroom and basically vomited my guts. I heard someone running towards me and I was relieved to find out it was Kaz.
"When are you gonna let me tell Douglas?" Kaz asked as he sat down beside me.
I gripped the edge of the toilet seat as I kept vomiting, which resulted in a sigh from Kaz.
"Someone needs to know Chase. I'm just saying it because you can't keep living like this." He explained.
"I'll be fine." I managed before vomiting again.
"Really? Because I'm having trouble believing that." Kaz said as he crossed his arms.
After he said that, I stopped vomiting again and Kaz handed me a tissue.
"Thanks." I said as I threw it away.
"Alright, go get some rest. I'll tell everyone you got super tired on the mission if they ask." Kaz explained as he slowly pushed me to the couch.
"Quit treating me like a baby. It's weird." I said as I walked to the couch.
Kaz left the room, came back, handed me a trash can and left the room with the words.
"Hey, you never know when you could miss."
I started falling asleep when my stomach started churning. I held my head over the trash can, vomited and hoped that this nightmare would be over soon.
Kaz's POV.
I swear, I was this close to telling someone about Chase. But he begged me not to tell. I'm scared for him. Someone needs to know, but if I tell anyone, they will tell Douglas and not only will I lose the mission leader assistant role, but Chase will never talk to me again. I couldn't lose my friend. But if he never talked to me again, then what was the point? I heard Chase puking again, and even though I really didn't wanna deal with it, I needed to make sure that no one else found out.
"What is that?" Bree asked while she was texting.
"Sounds like someone throwing up." Oliver said as he was doing the dishes.
"I'm gonna go figure out what that is." Skylar said as she put her phone down on the table.
I ran in front of her.
"What are you doing Kaz?" She asked as she crossed her arms.
"Just, let me figure out what that is. And I'll tell you guys." I said, praying that it would work.
"Fine." Skylar reluctantly agreed.
I ran up the stairs and saw Chase vomiting in the trash can I gave him. I rubbed my eyes and went over to him.
"Dude, you almost got caught. I don't even know what to tell Skylar and the others." I explained.
After a few more seconds, he finished and I handed him a tissue.
"Why do you have so many tissues?" Chase asked as he wiped his face off.
"Because I feel like and sneeze at the weirdest moments." I explained as I put my hand on his forehead.
"Kaz, I'm fine." Chase said.
"Ok stop saying that. I know you are not fine and so do you. I think your fever is getting worse." I said as I got off of the couch.
"Would you quit worrying?" Chase asked.
"When I can tell Douglas, then I'll stop worrying." I said as I stuck a cold washcloth on his forehead. "Sleep."
"Fine. But when I'm better, I'm so getting back at you for this." Chase groaned as he started falling asleep.
"Sure you will." I said as I turned out the light and left the room.
When I cam downstairs, Skylar confronted me almost immediately.
"So what was that awful noise?" She asked.
"Oh, um, it was, the, uh, the pipes." I lied.
"You don't seem sure about that." Oliver said cautiously.
"It was the pipes. I'm sure." I said, flashing a smile.
"Ok..." Skylar trailed off.
"Chase has been sleeping for so long. He never does this. He'd much rather lecture everything we do." Bree said, and Oliver and Skylar nodded in agreement.
"Oh, Chase is just super tired." I lied, noticing I had been doing that lately.
"That's been happening lately. It's just...unnatural for him." Bree said.
"I'm sure he's fine. He probably just stayed up so late doing some sort of nerd thing." I lied, again.
"Even so, I'm gonna tell Douglas that he may need to scan Chase's chip, just to make sure it isn't a virus in his chip." Bree said.
Looks like Chase's secret was gonna be revealed sooner then I thought. And I thought it would never be revealed.

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