Chapter 7

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Chapter 7.
Skylar's POV.
"Come on Chasey. Just try." I said as I tried to feed Chase some chicken noodle soup.
"For the last time, it'll just make me throw up. I don't want it. And don't call me Chasey." Chase complained as he tried to pull the blanket over his head.
"Chase, you are seventeen, stop acting like a baby." I said as I held the spoon up to his mouth again.
"I can't really do that when you are babying me." Chase pointed out as he dodged the spoon again and it spilt on the blanket he was under.
I sighed and grabbed a paper towel.
"Just think that because you spilt some on the blankets means you are getting out of eating any." I explained as I started rubbing it into the blankets.
"Skylar don't! It'll just make it worse." Chase explained.
"Alright. I'm gonna go put this in the laundry and get you a new one. I want you to eat some of that soup." I explained.
"You aren't my mom." Chase grumbled.
"Just eat or I will send Bree in here to get it down you. And she will not be as nice as me." I explained, knowing what Bree could do when she got mad.
"Fine, but when I puke later, I'm blaming it on you." Chase explained as he sat up a bit.
"I thought you were puking because of your sickness." I said.
"I'm am- you know what? Never mind." Chase said as I took his blanket to the laundry room.
Bree's POV.
I was texting Caitlin when I saw Skylar come in the room holding a blanket.
"What's up Skylar?" I asked.
"Your brother is being a baby." Skylar replied as she went into the laundry room.
I got up and followed her asking.
"What do you mean?"
"I can't get him to eat." Skylar said.
"He probably just doesn't feel good. Don't pressure him." I said.
Then we heard the door open.
"I'll get it." I said before speeding up the stairs.
I opened the door and saw Mr. Davenport.
"Hey Mr. Davenport! How's Tasha?" I asked.
"She's fine, and very hormonal." Mr. Davenport explained as he walked into the penthouse.
Then Kaz and Oliver walked in with Skylar following from the laundry room.
"Hey guys." Mr. Davenport said.
"Hi Mr. Davenport." Oliver said with a smile.
"Where is Chase?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"He is-" Kaz started, but I cut him off knowing he would lie about Chase's condition.
"He's sick. And resting in the boy's room."
Mr. Davenport ran into the boys room and I followed him because I was equally concerned about my brother. When Mr. Davenport got in there though, Chase was sleeping quietly.
"Mr. Davenport, we should let him rest. He hasn't gotten much sleep lately." I explained as Mr. Davenport laid his hand on Chase's forehead.
"How long has he been like this?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"According to Kaz, since Thursday." I shrugged.
"It's Sunday so only a few days. Why didn't you call me?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"Because we didn't know until yesterday. Well, most of us." I defended.
"Who knew?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"Kaz." I said.
"Why didn't he tell you guys?!" Mr. Davenport yelled, making Chase wake up with a whine.
"Mr. Davenport?" He asked.
"Yeah. I came to check on everyone only to find out that you have been sick for a few days." Mr. Davenport explained.
"Apparently Chase stopped him from telling by bribing him." I explained.
"Mr. Davenport...I think I'm gonna be sick." Chase said.
"Ok, let's get to the bathroom then." Mr. Davenport said with slight panic as he helped Chase up off the couch.
Not wanting to see Chase puke, I left the room and saw Skylar and Oliver talking on the couch and Kaz was asleep beside them.
"Kaz, wake up." I said as I gently kicked him.
"Kyle, stop kicking me." Kaz groaned in his sleep.
"It's Bree and I kicked you once." I said as I started shaking him.
"Oh. Hi Bree. What's up?" Kaz asked as he opened his eyes.
"Why are you sleeping?" I asked.
"Because I had to take care of a puking seventeen year old for three days." Kaz said as he closed his eyes again.
"I got this." Oliver said, then whispered.
"I made blueberry pancakes."
Kaz sat straight up and looked around.
"How did you know that work?" I asked.
"That's what Kaz's dad does." Oliver said.
"What's do you need Bree?" Skylar asked.
"I think we should all start pitching in to help Chase feel better. He seems really sick." I said.
"Have you not been listening, I've been doing that for three days!" Kaz yelled.
"I know Kaz. But I mean the rest of us. We were totally oblivious to what was going on." I said.
"What's with the made up word?" Kaz asked.
"It's not made up." I said.
"Anyway, what do we have to do?" Oliver asked.
"Skylar, he really likes your back rubs, so maybe that should be your job." I suggested.
"Ok, I can do that." Skylar said.
"And Oliver, you and Kaz are really good at making people laugh. Or weirding them out." I said.
"What makes you think we weird people out?" Oliver asked.
"You guys play jenga with the cups!" I yelled.
"It's called Topple the Tower and you know it!" Kaz complained as he crossed his arms.
"Kaz, complain again and you are going on puke patrol." I threatened.
"I'm done now." Kaz raised his hands as he didn't want to clean up any more puke.
"Good. I'll be in charge of getting whatever he needs and trying to get him to eat." I declared.
"Good luck. When Chase doesn't want to eat, he will do whatever he can to avoid it." Skylar explained.
"I have known Chase since before you were born. Or genetically mutated." I said.
"I was genetically engineered, but mutated works." Skylar said.
"Great, so starting as soon as Mr. Davenport leaves Chase alone, we will put our plan into action." I smiled.
Kaz pulled out his phone and I immediately knew what was coming when I heard the power cord.
"No. What part of no do you not understand?" I asked.
"I don't like listening to authority Bree." Kaz said, then sang.
"Elite Force!"

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