leonardo x shy reader

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You had come over with Donnie because for one: he was your best friend and he needed help with an experiment, and for two: your biggest crush EVER was there, Leo. You were walking through the sewers and you finally entered the layer only to see Raph and Mikey laughing their butts off while Leo just sat there hid face as red as a tomato. Everything went silent as you and Donnie entered the lair. All eyes were fixed on you, while Raph and Mikey tried to contain their giggles.

"Hey, (Y/N)~" Mikey sung, Leo's face just getting redder by the minute.

"Yeah, hi~" Raph stated. You were completely baffled.

"Umm, hi guys?" You said a bit uncomfortable in the situation. "I'm just going to go help Donnie with his experiment, bye Leo..."

As soon as you left all you heard was Leo yelling at his brothers, all you could make out though, was "you're dead!" Out of all the muffled screams.

Then Donnie started his experiment, he tested it on you.

~time skip brought to you because I'm too lazy to explain how the experiment failed ~

"Well (Y/N), I guess we can call this a day. You can go hang out with the others now, I'm going to try and see where I went wrong."

You nodded and sat down beside Raph on the couch.

"Umm, Raph?"


"What was all that about when I first got here?"

He smirked, that can't be good...

"Oh I dont know, go ask Leo.~" he said an even bigger smirk on his face.

"Umm, okay?"

You went to the dojo where Leo was meditating, you decided you didn't want to disturb him, so you decided to wait until he noticed you. He soon looked up and immediately blushed.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)."

"Hi, Leo. I have a question." His face got redder.

"And what might that be?"

"Why were your brothers laughing at you today when I first got here?" He stopped and sighed.

"How about I walk you home?"

"You still didn't answer my question."

" I will if you let me walk you home, okay?"

"Okay." You sighed in defeat and headed out the dojo.

You were walking through the sewers when you got to the man hole ladder.

"Be careful," he said. You nodded in response and told him you'd be fine, still being as nervous as you could get. But, on your way up you slipped and fell, but before you hit the ground you felt strong and sturdy arms catch you. You look at him, only to see his face as red as yours. He held you bridal style for what seemed like forever, and you starred into those beautiful blue eyes as he starred into yours. He finally said those three words you've been longing to hear... I love you...

You, in shock, looked at him, wide eyed, your blush growing darker by the second.

"I love you too, Leo." You paused for a moment looking away then asked, "was that what your brothers were laughing at?" He just slowly nodded his head. All you said was an inaudible, "oh..."

He gave that incredible smile before kissing your fingertips, and helping you up the ladder. He carried you all the way home, then laid you down in your bed, and tucked you in bed. Joining you. You both talked until you fell asleep in his safe arms. Hearing the continued breathing and heartbeat soothing you to sleep.

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