donnie x reader (fight)

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I'm so sorry guys. I know it's been forever since the last tine I posred something, but I hope this makes up for it. I'm so so sorry. I'm still pper for requests btw!!!

I know. A fight. I hate them too. Makes me sad. But! I shall make this fight for the better! Promise!

Readers POV

I was walking to the lair and entered the lab. Donnie wasn't there, strange... I got bored while he was gone and I started to look around. I then looked in a drawer in his desk. He had a picture of him pushing April on the swings in a Hart shaped frame. I knew the purple clad turtle had a crush on the red head, but I actually thought that he would get over her. Apparently not. I love him. She doesn't. But, she's still my friend. I can't help but be jealous though. I love her to death, but I can't help but be jealous.

I continued to look for him and exited out of the back room. I was leaving when I heard him yell, from the room I just came out of, "What were you doing snooping through my stuff?" Did he seem, angry though? No, he's probably just joking around. So, I turned and said, "I was looking for you and I just seen the picture, sorry." He walked out of the shadows towards me and he was angry... Really angry.

I immeaditly took a step back and said while putting my hands up, " look, I'm sorry. I was looking for you and I just got curious... I'm really sorry. You know im a curious person, and I know that was rude. I'm sorry." I put my head down in shame and he out put his head in his hand.

"I know (y/n) it's just... That is private and I didn't want you to see that. Along with a few other things."

"...right. I won't do it again, promise." I looked back at him with a half hearted smile and then turned to get out of there. If I didn't i was going to cry. I didn't mean to make him upset.

"Wait! (Y/n)."

I stopped and looked back at him.

"I'm over her... April. I'm over her. I like someone else."

I couldn't have hid the expression of surprise on my face if I wanted to. I didn't not expect him to say what he said. Then confusion and realization swept over my face, a mix of tge two. "Who then?"

He waited and looked away contemplating for a while what to say. I was honestly so confused and didn't know what else to do. I just looked down and at my hands. They were so different from his, mine small and so useless, but his. So big and hes saved so many lives with those hands countless times.

"It's you  (y/n). I love you."

I flicked my head upward so fast I got whiplash, but I steadied myself anyway. I was so lost in thought that I was caught completely off guard as to what he said. I couldn't even believe it. He loved me.

We both states at each other for a long time before I finally spoke.

"I... i love you too," I whispered.

He smiled a genuine smile then walked over to me and put his hands on etiger side of my face to where I was looking at those beautiful red-Brown eyes. Then our faces inched closer and closer until our lips finally came to a close. And that was it. It was like my heart was going to explode and my fingers went numb, I could stay like this forever. But, we parted at last anf he pressed his forehead to mine and exhaled.

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