mikey x (sad) reader. (fight?)

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I'm sorry guys. I can't write a depressed character, it just hurts a lot. So, I'm going to try and do the closest thing to one of those that I can. I hope you enjoy this story and please feel free to leave any comments to help be better improve my writing skills. I love getting feedback from you guys.

Any way. With out further ado! Here's the story.

(Y/N) POV.

I was walking home from  (idk, whatever you are walking home from) and I hadn't texted or called Mikey at all today. Usually I would have said something, but I just couldn't today. I'm just so upset. The girls in (whatever you choose) are just so mean and it's finally getting to me. They always make fun of me for being (too skinny/too chubby (fat)) I know Mikey wouldn't care if I called, but I just don't  want to bother him so I made my way home.

I eventually made it home and just collapsed into my bed and turned on my back and lazily stared at the ceiling.

I started to think about what they said. Maybe they were right. Maybe I am too (fat/skinny) maybe I am too (loud/quiet). I'm just so sick of this and I just with it would all end!

Before I knew it tears were clousing my vision and I began to silently cry. I began to think some more.

Maybe they are right. How does Mikey even stand to be around me? Does he even really like me anymore? What if he hates me?

At that thought I began to sob. They were right. All of them were right.

Pretty soon I just hear a knock at my window. I didn't check it. Apparently it was unlocked though, because Mikey climbed in and seen me sprawled about my bed.

"(Y/N), you didn't text me... what's wrong?"

I sat up and looked at him with rivers pouring down my face in rapid streams. He ran to my side and engulfed me in his arms.

"I-i' m sssso sor-rey." I cried.

"Shhh, it's okay. Don't cry. Please, dont cry."

We stayed like that for I don't know how long, just him holding me. I soon slowed down and fell asleep in his arms. He picked me up bridal style and put me to bed. He crashed on my couch and I woke up to him making me breakfast. Her really knows how to make me feel better.

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