Day 01

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"AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" I ran as fast as I could from the shadow creatures that are running after me.

What should I do? Why are they running after me? And what are those shadow creatures? I don't know how or why? But what am I doing in this kind of place? Why did I end up here? Why am I in the school in the first place? As far as I remember I was playing Ragnarok game then went to sleep. So why am I back at the school? Seriously, what the heck is happening here?

Run. I must run faster. I found an open classroom. I enter and hide myself there but there's another shadow creature inside.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAh!" it's going to devour me.

Help! Someone please. Someone help me.

"Someone please! Someone save me please." I cried as I pleaded.

"Geez. They really are stubborn." Someone from behind the shadow creature shot his arrow onto the shadow. The shadow turns into the flare. It's so dazzling like  glitters raining from the sky.

I was stunned. My foot were glued to the ground while shaking. I can't move my body. That was really close if it weren't for this guy I might be dead by now. I look at him but can't see his face clearly due to a ray of light that touches his face.

"Where am I?" the first words that came out of my mouth.

He walks towards me. He's dazzling and shining through the flares raining on us.He smiles at me like a phantom in an old story.

Who is he?

"You are in city of dreams. The Dream City."

Dream City? What is he saying? I just stare at him as he sat on a chair next to him while cracking his neck. He looks at me. "You may not have realized it yet, but you are dreaming. " He said.


"Master!!!!"  a lion suddenly pops out out of nowhere.  "Master. I was really scared. I don't know what to do if you get hurt." The lion cried.

"The lion talks?" the words came out of my mouth before I realize it. It's due to a shock. Is this for real. Did the lion just talk?

He smiles at me again as he stood up and brushed the dust off  in his jacket. "As I told you, you were in a city of dreams. This place is no different from the reality, but the thing is, in this place everything is possible and your imagination can become your reality."

"just like this... flame." He said as he snaps his finger. He's playing with the flames then he snaps his finger again and the flame disappears.

"See?" He said. I'm just staring it him. Did I just witness something awesome? Is this for real? 

"If you still don't believe me why don't you try it yourself." He said.

"Close your eyes and think of something that you want to happen." I'm like a gullible child that follow his intruction.  I close my eyes and think of something.

Snow. I want to see the snow.

When I opened my eyes the snow is raining outside. I open the window and I can feel the cold.

"Do you believe me now?" He asked.

I nodded at him "But how did I end up here?" I asked.

"It's because you were dreaming. When people sleep they tend to dream and sometimes their soul tends to travel. And what you did is an astral projection. It is an out of the body experience where the soul separates from the body and travels. " He explains.

Astral projection? Does that mean I'm a dream traveler? A dream traveler? Why does the sound of it seem familiar?

"You mean I unconsciously travel and separate from my body?" I asked him.

He nodded as an answer. "Well, there are different kinds of dreams. One of it is the one I mention. And you have that ability. Actually, we are the same." Even if he explains it, I still don't understand a single thing. Astral projection or whatsoever I still don't get it. Why the heck do I have that ability?

"But how about those shadow creatures? What are they?" I am half confuse and half curious. I have so many questions.

"They are the nightmares. They prey on the human soul and once they devour you, you will never wake up. If you are familiar with the people having nightmares then die. It is their doings." he said it in a serious tone.

It suddenly gives me goosebumps.

Then there was a loud noise outside like a thunder or giant walking. I don't know how to explain it, but it seems like that.

"It's time." he said.

What does he mean by that?

"It's time for you to go back." then he pushed me outside the room but to our shocked a bunch of shadow creatures were there. They look at us like we're some kind of food. It's like it's time for them to eat their prey.

"On the count of three we'll run." He whispered. All I could do is nod at him and follow his order.

"1....3" shit. I'm not ready yet.

But he held my hand and we run as fast as we could.  Every time a shadow creature would attack us  he'll shoots them with flaming arrows  or whatever weapon comes into his mind. This chase is like playing a video game. I feel excited and scared at the same time. Scared that before we reach the end, the game is already over and that we might both die.

But why do I feel like I can trust this guy?

Why do I feel like I'll be save if I believe in him.

And why do I feel like I've known this guy even before we met.

What is this feeling?

We continue to run until we reach the big Nara tree in the school yard.

"This is the gate." he said while panting. "You just have to cross this and you can go back to your body." He said.

If I go back does that mean this dream will end?

Will we ever cross path again? 

Will we meet again?

I nod at him, but before I cross to the other side, I stop and turn around. "Let me ask you one thing. Will we meet again?" I asked him.

I feel like I had a dejavu after saying those words. I feel like I've asked this before. But when and in what circumstances?

"Who knows." he said.

"Then may I know your name?" I asked.

"No. There's no chance of us meeting again and you'll probably forget about this dream when you wake up so what's the point of asking my name." he said that but why is he giving me that pained expression? There's sad expression that lies in his eyes.

And hearing his answer makes me feel disappointed. It's like it's not what I wanted to hear from him. It's like I'm expecting something. Why do I feel this way?

"Then, if we meet again will you tell me?" I asked again.

"So stubborn." he said, but he smiled a bit. "Fine, only if we meet again."

I smile back at him. "Then let's meet again." 

The dream comes to an end.  

Dream CityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora