Day 02

68 19 15

I had a dream, but why can't I remember what happened in that dream? And why do I feel like I met someone there, but the image is so blurry.

"Argh." I frustratingly brush my hair in front of the mirror.

I feel like forgetting something really important. It's so frustrating. Why the heck I can't remember? It's the same feeling I had when I woke up after that accident.

"Alice time to go to school." my mom suddenly opens the door.

"Mom. How many times do I have to tell you not to barge into my room without knocking." I complain, but she just laughed at me as she got my laundry.

"Hurry up or you'll be late." she said.

"Okay okay." I said then got my bag.  I rode a tricycle then a jeep to school. 

When I arrived, my best friend Zedd was there in front of the school, waiting for me. 

"Zedd." I called out to him.

"Alice." he greeted. 

"By the way." He started as we walk inside the school campus. "I already have a buyer of zennies." he said.

"Really?"  Zennies are money use for the game ragnarok to buy an item.

"Yeah." He answered.

"So how much will they buy it?" I asked him. This time we're almost reaching my classroom. 

"They'll buy it for six thousand since you have 40M and I have 20M." Zedd said to me. 

"So they only price a hundred for 1M?"

Nagnod muli siya sakin. "Geez. So cheap. I play 2 days straight during the weekend to get that 40M and they would only buy it for that?"

Zedd chuckled as he raffled my hair. "but it's okay than having nothing." He said.

Well he has a point. I smile at him.

"Here's my floor." Sabi ko sa kanya. Zedd is in fourth year high school while I'm a third year. Due to the accident I had to repeat a year.

I got into a car accident and was hospitalized for half a year. My legs were paralyzed. I couldn't walk so I had to stop going to school.

I enter the classroom, sit in my usual sit beside the window. The lesson was boring, I only draw a doodle on my notebook and I almost fell asleep. I stare at the window, then found an old Nara tree there. The tree looks familiar to me.

Where have I seen it?

'Is it always there this whole time?' I thought.

"Alice! Read the passage on page 203." The teacher said and so I did what she told me.

Zedd and I ate our lunch at the rooftop.

"You seem a bit off." Zedd said.

"Me? Am I?" I pointed at myself.

"If there's something troubling you, You know I would always listen. Come-on, tell me."

"No. It's just that I feel like I forgot something very important that I can't remember. It's been bothering me since this morning." I told him.

"Don't think about it too much. You'll remember it eventually." He said.

Maybe he's right. Maybe I'm just thinking too much. Maybe I'll remember it.

"Hey Zedd do you have a date with your girlfriend after school?" I asked him. Zedd girlfriend is studying in different school.

"After school? Hmmm no I think." He said to me.

"Then let's play Ragnarok until morning since we don't have class tomorrow. The one who sleep first will treat an ice cream. Deal?" I said.

He smiled at me. "Deal."

And just like we talked earlier we played reagnarok until morning. We're both stubborn and we played until our eyes hurt It's already 2 in the morning when I realize the time.

I called Zedd and check if he's still awake because he's suddenly offline.

[Yow.] He said in the other line.

"I thought you were sleeping." I said

[No my pc's broke. It suddenly turned off and I can't open it. I'm trying to fix it.]He said. He sounded  sleepy.

"Haha your pc's weak. Noob." I bullied him a little but all I heard was a chuckle coming from the other line. 

[It's not.] He said. 

I yawn. "I'm sleepy. Since your pc's weak I'm going to sleep."

[Okay. Goodnight.]

"Goodnight. Bye." I hang up.

I jump into my bed. Argh. I'm so sleepy. I close my eyes but that Nara tree in our school yard suddenly slips my mind. I think I saw it in a dream.

Dream? A scene suddenly popped up in my head. That's right. I saw it in a dream. I was chase by something like shadow creatures then someone saved me from it. I made a promise that we'll meet again. The memories from that dream plays a flashback inside my head. It's blurry but I remember everything.

All I have to do is sleep and dream again. I close my eyes and enters my dream.

In that dream I saw a field of flower. It was a really beautiful place.


In that dream. I didn't saw that guy. 

He's nowhere to be found.

Where is he? Where can I find him?

A week had passed but nothing happened. I tried and tried to enter the dream city but every time I look for him I cannot find him there. It feels like the dream he was in was different from the dream I enter.

I really want to meet him.

I really want to know his name.

But how am I suppose to do that?

How can I connect my dream to his?

 Will I make it tonight? Will my dream connect to him? Will we be connected? I close my eyes.

This time I was in a forest. The place looks like a fairy land. There were fairies flying all over the place. I walk and walk there then I saw a guy wearing the usual red jacket sitting at the big rock. Next to him was the giant lion.

"You're late." He said.

"I'm back." I said.

He smiled at me.

And the dream once again continues.

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