A Place To Stay

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As me and Sans walk through the field I brush my hand through the tall grass, it's touch was soft and calming, as the wind blew through my long hair, I just felt like I could do anything right then, I just felt like the happiest person in the world!

"So what's the plan?" Sans asks behind me "oh, well I was kind of thinking that we should find a place to stay and then once we have a place to stay we can figure out the rest" I say while facing the road that was further up ahead "Right, and what about food?" He asks "oh, I'm not that hungry right now but if you are we can probably go look for a town and get some food there" I say turning around smiling at him "oh no, I'm not hungry I just thought maybe you'd be hungry" he said looking down fidgeting with some grass "alright, well then let's go find shelter and we'll think about food then, okay?" I tell him "sure" he looks up and smiles,

Once we got to the road we decided that we would walk to the left and keep walking until we saw some place of shelter or a town, we walked for about four hours without stopping before we finally found a small shack that was near a small town since we could see the lights of the town beginning to turn on because it was starting getting dark 

"Welp, since we have shelter wanna go check out that town?" Sans asks sitting down on a piece of wood "sure, let's go" I say turning around and heading for the door of the shack as Sans followed behind me

 We started walking to the town and when we got to it there was a small sign that said   "Icemont", it sounded quite cozy, as we walk into the town together we see a small shop that said 'Muff's cafe' we thought maybe they might have some food, we didn't really want to walk any further because our feet hurt from all the walking before, as we walk inside we see a few people looking at us, it didn't feel comfortable with them all staring but we just headed up to the top of the bar and sat down on some stools

"How may I help you?" An woman in about her twenties asked us "umm, do you serve any food here?" I asked hoping that there would be "yes, we have some muffins, croissants and grilled sandwiches  she answered with a warm smile "I'll have a grilled sandwich, please" I tell him politely "and I'll have the same as the lady" Sans says with a smile on his face

As the woman walks away to get our food me and Sans just sit there, we really didn't talk for the whole evening there, we stayed there for about and hour and then started to head back to the shack that was outside the small town in a small field

Once we got back to the shack Sans went off to get some wood to make a fire inside the shack since the floor was stone, while Sans was gone out gathering wood I went out to get some tall grass from the field so we could lie down on it, it was the only thing that could make the floor less hard, when I finished collecting the grass I came back to the shack and placed it down so it would be good enough to sleep on and that's when Sans came back with a load of sticks

"Wow, that's a lot of sticks where did you find so many?" I asked him astonished on how he could find so many sticks in a field "oh, I just went down the road and got them from some bushes" he said smiling and placing them down in the middle of the floor "those are quite some beds you made there" he said chuckling "oh, haha yea I just went out to get something that we could lie on that wasn't as hard as the stone floor here" I said slightly laughing and patting the floor

"Well, we should probably get some rest, it's getting quite late now" Sans says half yawning and stretching out his arms "alright, you can go to sleep in gonna stay up for a little longer" I say to him staring at the fire that he made "okay, goodnight Simathy" he says as he walks over to the grass beds that I made and lies down in one of them, "Goodnight" I say as I wait for him to fall asleep so I could go out of the cabin and watch the stars for a while

When walked out of the cabin I saw a rock further into the field so I decided I would go there and lean against it to watch the stars, while I walk over to it I look up to the stars and hum a song that I remebered that always calmed me down when I was stressed or afraid but this time I wasn't stressed or afraid, I was calm and valiant knowing that some day in the future I was going to have a happy life, when I walked over to the rock I sat down and leaned against it, I looked up taking a deep breath of fresh cool air, while I watched the stars and named any constellations that I saw

After a while I though about going back to the shack but the stars were just so beautiful I couldn't leave them yet, so I decided to stay just for five more minutes but little did I know that, that was just the amount of I needed to fall asleep...


Hai again guys! 

Hope your enjoying this book but I'm just here to say that I might take longer to write other chapters to this book because it's quite difficult for me to think of what to write since i used up all my ideas for now, and don't forget to leave a suggestion if you have one, thx! ^-^

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