A New Home

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I shoot up noticing i had fallen asleep outside in the field, i quickly stand up and run to the small shack hoping that Sans would still be there but....... he wasn't...

"Sans?" I say looking around the shack, i walk around the shack and checked every corner but he still wasn't there, i walk outside and look down the road hoping to see him and i saw someone standing further down the road so i just asumed it was him, i ran inside and grabbed my stuff and stomped out the wood that was still slightly burning and started to walk back to the figure that i saw earlier down the road

"Sans?" I ask just to make sure it was really him, the person turned around and stared at me.... it wasn't Sans..... but they were creeping me out

"Oh, sorry sir i just thought you were someone i knew" i say as i keep walking further down the road until i feel a firm grip on my arm

"H-huh?" I turn around to see the stranger griping my arm "Are you alright sir?..." i ask as i see one of his eyes.....melting?

"Dont talk to him..." he says in a low raspy voice "To who?..." his grip on my arm gets tighter "To HIM!" both his eyes then start to melt "im sorry sir but i dont know who your talking about and can you please let go of my arm..." i say trying to keep calm, but who could, i mean theres this man that i dont even know and hes holding my arm tightly and telling me not to talk to 'him', could the him be Sans?

My breathing starts to become faster as i try to get my hand out of the mans grip and start to panic "Sir can you p-please let go of my arm, your hurting me.." i say hoping he would at least loosen his grip but that was the opposite of what he did, the tightened his grip even more in which my hand started to bleed from where his nails were "L-LET GO!" I yell trying to get my hand back "DONT TALK TO HIM!" He yelles back holding a knife above his head and aiming it at me "AHHH HELP!" I yell since i was terrified and couldnt get anything else from my mouth

The knife then lowered down to hit me but i then heard yelling somewhere in the distance which started getting closer and closer "Simathy.....Simathy!" And my whole body starts to shake

I shoot up seeing Sans beside me.... in that field, but at that moment i was just terrified and couldn't speak, i hadn't noticed but i was crying "hey, you alright?" Sans says in a calm soft voice "y-yeah" "wanna talk about it?" He asks me "well it started with me waking up here and going back to the shack to look for you but you were gone so i went down the road to look for you and found this man which grabbed my arm and had a melting eyes and told me 'dont talk to him" Sans' face got serious after i said that "...and then he.... had a knife.....and.." "its alright, it was just a dream, no one can hurt you, your fine" he said wiping the tears from my cheeks with his thumb and hugging me, "t-thanks" i say hugging him back "no problem, so you wanna start heading to a city or a town?" He asks pulling away from the hug to look at my face "what do you mean?" I ask being confused on how he could know where to go to possibly find a town or city " i bought us a map from icemont thats shows another town and a city not far ahead and if we leave now we might be able to get there just before sun down" he says standing up and putting his hand out "oh, well then lets go to the city since theres much more to find in a city" i say accepting his hand and standing up,

We both get back to the shack and pack up our stuff for the journey to the city called 'holan city' it seemed like a pretty big city from the name of it, in my opinion

After we packed our stuff we left the shack and started to walk in the direction of the city

As we walk i start thinking about the nightmare that i had but soon just brush it off since i didnt want to think about it.... it was too scary for me..

"So what do you want to do when we get to the holan city?" Sans asks pulling me out of my thoughts "Why dont you decide this time since i was the one making descisions so far?, if you want" i say smiling "oh, well I was thinking that we should just find a place to stay, like a proper apartment" he said "Do we have enough money to get one?" I ask confused since i knew i definately didnt have enough to buy one "umm, i have my fathers credit card..." he said looking away thinking it was a bad thing "well, thats great... its a good thing you took it because from all i know, since your father it a scientist he has a lot of money and when he.... passed away, the government would have taken all his money to themselves" i say trying to make him feel better "yea but cant they just take the money from his bank account?" He says looking at me " well i dont think they will since the account will still be active....i hope" i say "yea hopefully, thanks" he says smiling at me

For the rest of the way we just talked about random things to keep ourselves company, as we got closer to the city we saw beautiful lights shining from it

It was a beautiful and perfect place to start a new life, with a new friend


Hai guys, im so sorry i didnt update in so long its just that im on holidays and there isn't much internet at where i am right now, sorry again, all this time that i had free i was thinking about what to write and got amazing ideas so i hope i can write to you guys more often now =3

Remember if you have any suggestions to forget to suggest them, i would really appreciate that ^-^

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