The Apartment

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As me and Sans walk to the entrance of holan city we notice that there aren't many people in there, theres not many people anywhere around this place......strange

"C'mon i know a place we can go to buy ourselves an apartment for a good price" says Sans rushing off ahead "What?, you know this place?" I ask confused, guess ive been confused a lot lately "yea, ive went here before when i was younger with my father, he acctually works near here" he said turning around to look at me for a second

"Alright, if you say so, are you sure you know where your going?" I ask "yeah im sure, acctually its right there" he says pointing to a large building that was pure white with a straight line of windows going across the bottom of it, the roof had little strips of gold on the sides, it sure seemed like a luxurious type of building and all I saw inside of it was people that looked rich, but Sans can afford stuff like that because hes rich right?

"Here follow me" Sans said taking my hand which made me blush a little, I mean why did I blush? Its not like I like him.... right?

I mean his dark hair, pale skin and beautiful blue eyes and.....ugh stop this simathy you shouldn't say this stuff, you barely know him...

"Here I know this lady so let me just talk to her and maybe I can get us two a small apartment for now" Sans said motioning over to a young blonde sitting behind a counter in an office just ahead of us

"Sure, ill just wait here" I say sitting down on one of the chairs outside her office "ok" he said walking over to the door and knocking on it

From then on all I could hear was mumbling from the other side of the wall and it seemed to be going well, hopefully we'll be able to settle in this city and acctually get jobs and get money for ourselves and then once thats done we can probably split up and go our own seperate ways...... to be honest I dont really want to split up with him because hes kind and funny and just really nice to be around, welp thats all in the future all I need to focus on now is getting to that apartment if we get it

I was then taken away from my thoughts when Sans came out the door with a frown on his face "what happened? Did we get an apartment?" I ask worried about the expression he made when he came out "nahh, im just jokin' with ya" he says as he smiles and takes out some papers from behind his back "oh thank goodness, you scared me" I say laughing as I playfully punch him in the arm

"Heh, c'mon we gotta go to apartment 'E17' thats where we'll be staying" Sans says while looking down at the papers and starting to walk "okay" I say smiling and skipping behind him, I can't believe ive gotten this far, I dont think I would have gotten this far without him

As we walk to the apartment we check around for shops and places we could apply for a job and maybe buy ourselves some food for the day

"We're here" Sans says stoping infront of a short, small building that looks well taken care of,  "wheres our apartment?, like what room?" I ask looking at Sans, he then turns around and starts laughing "this is our apartment,the whole building" "what?!?, wow this is one big apartment" I say looking back at the small sky blue building
"Heh, well then lets get settled in and get some rest" says Sans taking the keys of the apartment out of his pocket and walking over to the door to unlock it

As we both settled into our apartment and pick our rooms we packed up our stuff and ordered some take away to fill our empty stomachs before we go to bed

"So did any shop catch your attention?" Sans asked while taking a spoonful of spaghetti "yea, I saw a shop just down the road it was called 'Grill's Bar' or something like that" I say also taking in a spoonful of spaghetti "cool, well I guess we can check it out tommorrow" he said taking his plate and washing it up in the sink "great" I say standing up and putting my plate in the sink before he finishes washing up his own so he would wash mine "hey!, I ain't gonna wash that" Sans says giving me the 'look' "yes you are!" I say running away to my room before he could say anything

I close my door and change into my pj's,  "ahhh finally peace and quiet and normal room to sleep in"  I think to myself until I hear a knock on the door "hey simathy, i just wanted to check on you and see if your alright" Sans' voice said from the other side "oh yea, im fine" I say sitting down on my bed "ok, well goodnight then" he says as I can hear footsteps fading away "goodnight" I say louder hoping he would hear me before walking too far away

After a few minutes of sitting on my bed I remember my phone that I had in my bag from when I left, I hadn't looked at it for two days already, I then reach out for my bag and rustle my hand through it to find my phone, I press the power on button to find twenty missed calls from my mother and thirteen missed calls from my father and one message from my mother reading

Simathy please answer our calls, we dont know where you've went, im worried sick about you I dont know how you are or where you've went, just please at least write back and tell me how you are

As I read the message I became more shoked by every sentence, she was worried about me?, Was I wrong about her?, Did she really care?

I then decided to answer the message tomorrow since it was late and I couldnt bother to think of what to write right now, I placed my phone down on the drawer and lay down in bed exited for tommorrow since it would be my first day at a job even if it wasn't official yet I was still exited.


Hai guys, thanks again for reading and I hoped you enjoyed and i'd love to give a huge shoutout to one of my bffs MadlyCrazyGirl id really recommend to check out her writings shes really good, even better than me xD

And I just wanted to lets you guys know that theres a little easter egg in this chapter and whoever finds it will get a shoutout! ^-^
(Not a lot but thats all i can offer)

Hope you guys enjoyed and remember to leave a suggestion if you have one!
Thx and Bai =3

~ xXCookieWolfXx ~

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