Chapter 3

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*a week later*

"It's dinner, Zeke." I explain, smiling as I fix his black tie around his collar.

"Is that it? There's no sky dive or surprise mountain climbing?" He questions.

I laugh at him, kissing him lightly on the lips. He's referring to last year when I surprised him with swimming with sharks. He nearly burst into tears when we arrived and i found it hilarious.

"No, it's just dinner."

"Mum! The limo is here!" Hope shouts, skipping into the living room wearing a simple purple dress that reaches her knees. She has part of her jet black hair pinned up and the rest flows onto her make up covered face.

Lucas appears behind her, dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and a black tie, just like Zeke. His blonde hair is gelled up and his eyes shine.

Im wearing a plain black strapless dress that reaches my thighs and black heels. My deep brown hair is in loose curls that highlight my cheeks and hide the fear in my eyes.

Im determined that tonight i won't think about the gang that is killing people with my suit.

"A limo? You said it was just dinner." Zeke smirks.

"It is. To celebrate your birthday, sweetie." I smile, linking my hand with his and leading him outside where the glossy black limo is parked.

Reaching the hall, I place my hands over Zeke's eyes. He gasps and I chuckle as Hope and Lucas run ahead to open the glass doors.

"What is going on?" Zeke questions.

"Trust me, just keep walking straight."

He takes small steps forward until he reaches the start of the ramp and he stops.

"It's just a ramp. Keep going." I order, nudging him forward.

"This is more then dinner, isn't it?"

He steps inside the doors and I pull my hands away from his eyes.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouts.

Balloons float down from the ceiling and party poppers explode onto Zeke. He grins and laughs. In front is a huge crowd of people, all friends and family.

"Happy birthday babe." I whisper into his ear.

Zeke wraps one his arms around my waist and kisses me on the cheek.

"Thank you so much."

The music blares suddenly, pumping into my ears. Zeke races off, high-fiving his friends and hugging a few of his band members. I stand by the door, leaning on the wall and watching how happy Zeke, Hope and Lucas are.

To the left is another room, a bar glows from white to red to blue and the bartenders are throwing bottles around as they serve people. In the main hall at the end is a stage with a full kit of drums and guitars. Next to it two men are on a DJ deck, both have headphones on and are flicking through cds.

The music vibrates on my body, making my heartbeat quicken and shake my brain. I glance down at the watch on the inside of my right wrist that shows my heart rate and blood pressure. I notice its a little high.

"How are you doing?" My dad asks, walking up to me dressed in a black suit, with Pepper on his arm in a red dress.

"Im okay, thank you for asking." I smile.

"How many more have you got?" He questions, asking about my medication.


"I'll drop some more off for you."

"Thanks, dad. How's Sheye and Aiden?" I ask, looking at the exhausted couple.

"Sheye won't sleep and Aiden is very excited recently." Pepper explains, leaning against my dad slightly.

"Aww." I grin.

I notice Zeke is stood in the middle of the dance floor, the lights flickering across his body. He raises a finger at me, showing a come here motion. I shake my head at him and take a step back. He skips over, wrapping his arms around my waist and forcing me onto the dance floor. I lock my hands behind his neck and lean my forehead against his, feeling his hot breath on my cheek.

"Are you having fun?" I ask.

"Of course I am. Its amazing. I can't believe you did this, Skye. I had convinced myself I was going to be doing something worse then swimming with sharks." He explains and I hide my laughter.

"I thought you'd like swimming with sharks." I tease.

"Are you looking forward to being head of SHIELD?" Zeke suddenly asks.

"Yeah, I think. Im nervous and it doesn't help when the Avengers keep teasing me." I admit.

"You'll be great, genius."

"The Avengers are around here somewhere. They were invited." I point out.

"They'll most probably be in the bar." Zeke jokes, smiling that adorable smile.

"Zeke, I haven't said this a lot recently. But, I love you so much." I whisper into his ear, loud enough to be heard over the deafening music.

"I love you too, don't ever forget that, Skye." Zeke whispers, placing a warm hand on my cheek and he leans down, our lips brushing slightly. He places his palm below my ear, four fingers on the back of my neck and his thumb brushing my cheek.

"How can i ever forget?" I question, smiling.

Zeke spins me around in his arms, so i have my back to the stage but I face the entrance. Over his shoulder I notice Agent Maria Hill marching in with a sour look on her pale face. She wasn't invited.

Gently, I pull away from Zeke and walk to the entrance, feeling him follow my footsteps. I also see that everyone is now watching the Agent glance around the room, her two guards step beside.

"Can I help you, Agent Hill?" I question, standing in front of her. I already know the answer. She's here about the development of the gang killing people with a replica of my suit.


She suddenly spins me around, pinning my hands behind my back. I try to kick and punch against her, but I lose. I feel the cool metal of handcuffs around my wrists.

"Skye Stark I am arresting on suspicion of murder using your suit for inappropriate use." She spits into my ear.

Everyone erupts, sprinting over and shouting. Zeke stands at the front of the ground, his eyes dilated and full of disappointment, but he says nothing. He doesn't fight for me, he doesn't argue or try to stop them.

"No, wait. It wasn't me. You know it wasn't me." I argue, feeling my eyes turn blue.

"Skye, that won't work. The handcuffs are designed specifically for you." Agent Hill explains.

"Get off. I didn't do it. Im innocent!" I scream, kicking back.

Agent Hill grabs me by the handcuffs and drags me out of the hall. I watch as Zeke holds back Hope and Lucas, they both try to follow me but I shake my head at them.

Outside a black land rover is parked. Agent Hill opens the door and pushes me in. I sit with my head bowed and staring at the ground. The car pulls away, I watch as everyone stares at me being dragged away by SHIELD.

Innocent (Stark's Daughter 7)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang