Chapter 24

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The constant beep of my heart monitor fills my ears, sticking in my brain. I flick each of my fingers gently, feeling numbness spark in my veins. My lead heavy eyes prise open, revealing the hospital room around me.

My whole body aches, like I've been run over by a car. My head pounds in my skull as my skin tingles.

I sit up slowly, running my hands over my face, noticing a transparent tube coming from my nose and looping behind my ears. I pull it off my ears and slowly slip the tube out of my nose. Gagging slightly, the tube is out and i see drops of blood on the end. Pulling off the electrodes on my skin, the machines beep louder and more constant. Stuck in my wrist is a thin needle with a tiny tube carrying a white liquid into my arm, I slowly slide it out and throw it onto the bedside table. I swing my legs over the edge of the crisp white bed and my barefeet slap against the freezing tiled floor. Ignoring the alarming beeps from the heart rate machine, I open the transparent doors and step outside.

Doctors and Nurses rush about, helping patients to their feet and hushing crying children. The smell of antibiotics and needles hits me, burning the inside of my nose.

"Skye?" A voice asks.

I spin on my toes to see Captain stood at the end of the white corridor, he's wearing his usual jeans and shirt, holding a mug.

"Where is Zeke? Is he alive?" I question, my hands shaking beside my legs and i feel my eyes building up with tears.

"Yes. He's alive, but before you see him, I have to explain some things to you." Captain admits, his voice unsteady and cautious.

"What is it?"

"Let's get you back to your room and I'll explain." Captain suggests, hooking his arm around mine and holding my weight against him.

Captain leads me back to my room, helping me back into bed and tucking the blue blanket around me. Tears trickle down my cheeks as Captain sits down beside me, bowing his head in sympathy.

"After the bomb exploded, the paramedics announced you brain dead. But, your dad scanned you with his scanner thing and he found a tiny brain wave. He was so determined that you wouldn't give up." Captain explains, staring into his mug of tea, his eyes refusing to meet mine.

Confusion fills me. I died. Everyone thought i was dead. Again.

"What about Hope and Lucas, are they okay?" I whisper.

"They're in counselling right now."

"Counselling?" I instantly question, my voice raising in shock as tears damp my bruised cheeks.

"Since you nearly died a few months ago and now this with Zeke too, it's hit them both quite hard. Your dad and James suggested they go to counselling."

"Wow." I mumble, clasping my numb and tingling hands in front of me.

"Is there anything you want to ask?"

"Yes. What's the date?" I ask, raising my eyes to look directly at Captain, he looks up but down again.

"It doesn't matter." He replies, not making eye contact.

"Cap, what is the date?"

"The 30th."


"October." He whispers, so quiet that I can barely hear him.

"What? I've been in a coma for-" Shock hits me, like a punch in the face.

"3 months. Yeah. Well, 3 months, 1 week and 3 days to be exact."

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