Chapter Twelve

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Mandy and I finish our laps after we did six- a mile and a half- and decided to go home. I told her I am planning on doing her photo shoot for her track game, but if I couldn't I would tell her. Saturday was in two days, so I didn't exactly have to plan so far ahead for that. Mandy smiled and said goodbye, and got a ride from her brother, and left me behind. I told her I was fine, though. I could walk home.

   So I went to the gym, changed, and started down the hallways. I look down at my phone and flick to different songs, ear buds planted in my ears and my attention drifting away. I am alone as I trudge down the empty hallways, and I realize it's already four. I try to come up with an excuse for being late.

   I decide on Christina Grimmie and pressed her play list button. I put the phone in my pocket and push through the doors of the school. I nod to the janitor, and he smiles at me. I turn back and head out the door. I don't really know what's wrong with my attention span today, because I greet another surprise on the way out of the school.

    In the musical world of my own, I tune out the world for a moment. I suddenly feel cold hands on my shoulders, bare with a tank top, and I literally scream. I whip around to see somebody laughing, but I couldn't hear them. Furious, I whip out my ear buds.

   "Joey!" I shout. "Why the heck would you do that?"

   He's still laughing, a comforting yet annoying sound coming from him at the same time. "I was sitting right there. . . Eliot. . ." He bursts into another fit of laughing. I don't understand why this was so funny to him.

   "Your face," he gasps out again, eyes squinted from laughing. I punch him in the arm angrily.

   "You're an idiot," I snap at him. 

   "Why were you even scared?" Joey asks, finally clearing his laughter. But a smile is still firm on his face. I scowl at him.

   "Because you put your cold hands on my shoulders when I didn't know you were there!" I say. "What are you doing at the school, anyways?"

   "Waiting," he answers simply, mouth in a small line of a smile.

   "For who?" I ask, looking over his shoulder into the school.

   "Would it matter?"


   Joey shrugs. "Okay, but don't take this creepily or anything like that." I raise an eyebrow at him, looking at him oddly. "You."

   I blink. "Why me?"

   "Actually, I was waiting for you and Mandy, but I guess I'm stuck with just you," he answers simply. "I needed to ask her what time her brother's going to fix my car. He's a mechanic in training."

   "You have a car?" I ask, surprised.

   "Of course," he says. "It's a 2001 model and barely moves, but yeah. I have a car."

   I nod. "Nice. So what were you planning to do? Ask her a question and drive off or something?"

   He rolls his eyes. "No, stupid. My car's in the mechanics. I'm walking home, just like you. Actually, I figured they would give you a ride. As I said before, I guess I'm stuck with you."

   I huff at him. "Guess you are. Where do you live?"

   "Down the park a little ways," he replies, and starts walking off. I quickly follow him, pulling my backpack over my shoulders. I shiver and realize my jacket's tied around my waist. I pull my backpack and shove into his arms.

   "Hold this real quick," I tell him. He obeys, giving me a moment to put on my jacket. He doesn't stop though, so when I zip it up I have to jog after him. I take my bag from his hands and pull it over my back again.

Messed Up VitaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora