Hickies and Scarves

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Needless to say, the boys slept very well. Nico actually woke up when Will shook him.

"Nico baby? You awake?" Will said grogily, kissing Nico's neck. He inspected the bruised hickies he's left on Nico the night before. "Hhm...?" Nico said lifting up half awake. "Damn Nico I really left a mark on you." Will dropped his head with sadness, "I'm sorry baby." Nico perked up at the sound of his baby sad. "Will, no! Don't cry!" Too late. A salty tear streamed out the corner of Will's eye, "What if I had hurt you? You're always sick anyways, always in the infirmary as it is! I'm a doctor and I let my disires put you in danger!" Nico looked so sad in that moment. He put a hand on Will's back and rubbed through his green tee-shirt. "Listen, I wanted it, ok? You didn't do anything wrong. It doesn't hurt at all, see?" Nico pressed a fimger down hard on one of the purple black bruises. He tried to keep a straight face, (Writers Comment- Nico how can you keep a straight face after last part, I think you're face will be gay forever.)
But in all reality, Nico was in a lot of pain. The bruises all over him ached and his ass felt like it might bleed. "Just look at yourself," Nico said, "You're covered in scratches and bite marks!" Nico felt a twinge of guilt. Had they really been that rough? "Yeah," Will said, feeling a little better seeing how beaten he was. He ran his fingers through his hair, "I'd say these need aneceptic."
"How about we grab some breakfast, and head to the infirmary and get bandaged up?" Nico said with a smile.

The only problem was, they both had nasty marks from their feet to their ears. How were they going to go unnoticed? Nico handed Will a blue scarf that Annabeth had given him for Christmas and helped him wrap it tightly around his neck. Then Nico put on a purple, turtle-neck sweater Hazel had left. Thank the gods Nico was skinny or else it might not have fit.

They set out the front door, careful to cover their wounds. "Hey Will!" A group of girls waved as they walked by. Everyone wanted Will. Hell, who wouldn't, Nico thought. He was tall, tan, handsome and great in bed, although he got a little rough, but Nico wouldn't have it any other way.

(Writers Comment- No, judging by the bruises and scratches all over you I'd say he's pretty gentle 😂)

But Nico knew that Will belonged to him and only him. Will didn't like anyone but Nico. Sometimes Nico didn't believe that, but today he did, this mornings melt down had done it's job in showing Nico how much Will really loved him.

When they got to breakfast, they sat down at their usual table. There was a rule that you were to sit with you're cabin, but now the rule was only lightly followed. So they sat down with Annabeth and Piper. "Morning lovebirds." Annabeth smiled.
"Where have you guys been? Nobody's hardly seen you all weekend! I was starting to think the harpies had eaten you!" Piper scolded. Nico didn't know what to say. "Yeah, sorry Piper we've been haveing abusive butt sex in my cabin all weekend." Nico thought. Thank the gods Will had quick thinking.
"Sorry, we would've been around more if somebody hadn't slept all weekend." Will threw his arm around Nico, nearly knocking his bagel off his plate.
"Haha, yeah sorry." Nico said running his hand through his hair.
"By the way," Annabeth said questioningly, "Why are you wearing Hazel's sweater? It's like 80 degrees outsi- oh...." Annabeth said, staring at Nico's ear. "Nico! Is that what I think it is?" Annabeth whisper screamed.
"So that's why you guys are all wrapped up!" Piper stifled a laugh. Nico's face flushed red. "We uh, gotta go!" Nico yelled, grabbing Will's hand, running to the infirmary, leaving their half-eaten breakfast and two laughing girls behind.

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