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Derek motions me to get up and come over, so I do.

Scott also jumps over and goes behind Derek, "Okay, Candice try and not freak out and close your eyes."

"Are you guys like male strippers or something?" I peak my eye open, receiving a glare from sour wolf.

"Ya got it." I reply, getting a little nervous but it was the good kind of nervous, like when you go on a roller coaster for the first time. I close my eyes shut, waiting. I can hear something snapping, almost like bones, a growl has escaped someone's lips.

"Okay, open your eyes" Now Stiles tells me.

I snap my eyes open, and look at Derek, his face has changed its structure, and.... he looks like half wolf? I glance at Scott and he's the same way too, then I look for stiles, who is still the same.

"Hell no! I ain't one of those ugly things!" Stiles yells me, and I chuckle.

"Sorry, just assumed..." Then I look back at Derek, and slowly step towards him. I raise my hand towards his face, which is surprisingly not shaking and smooth my hands across the newly found face, it feels hot under my skin, but not enough to be uncomfortable. Now I'm very close to him, he could easily kiss me or hug me.... or rip me to shreds... but I was not at all worried about that.

He looks very calm, with bright ice blue eyes, while Scott had bright yellow. All of a sudden my hand got hotter underneath his skin, now definitely uncomfortable, I have a confused look on my face, and then out of no where it shocks me and the floor comes to give me a hug on the other side of the room. I cringe, cradling my arm, both Derek and Scott are back to normal, Stiles and Scott walk over to me, but Derek is faster, he already is by my side, kneeling towards me and obviously didn't know what just happened, guess it doesn't normally happen?

"What a mood killer." I comment, getting back up and smiling, my arm felt numb to the bone.

"And just a side note, THAT IS SOO FUCKEN COOOL!!!" I squeal at them, they all look so relieved that I'm not flipping out or anything, but I mean, how could I!?! That's just way to cool! Seriously, werewolves?! Are they're vampires to? So many questions.

"Now that that's out of the way, we have some stuff we need to talk about." Derek says looking at me, his concerned expression only sinks deeper.

"What's up, do you have more Dirty little secrets Derek?" Reminding him of our last meeting. I see a smile escape his lips.

"You would be surprised how many I have," he gives me his famous smirk.

"Ahemahem!" Stiles grumbles, clearing his throat, trying to remind us that they are still present.

"When you were in the woods, the thing that was chasing, what did it look like? Have you ever seen it before?" Derek asks me, all business now.

"It was actually wolfed out, not like you guys, red eyes, and yes I've seen him 2 or 3 times now, once he was looking at me in class and Lacrosse Practice, and then in the woods." I reply.

"So its stalking you, basically" Stiles mumbles bluntly.

"Stiles! Don't scare her!" Scott yells at him, shaking his head at his friend.

"What? Just pointing out the obvious" Derek rolls his eyes at the two friends.

"Candice, do not go in the woods, and be precautionary, okay?" Derek orders me.

"What happens if I'm forced to go in the woods?"

"Call one of us and we'll go with you."

"What happens if I don't have time to?"

"You will."

"But what if I don't?" He gives me a glare, guess there's no arguiing with Derek.

"Got it, now who wants to tell me why I was just electrocuted."

"That's why I have to go, I'll research it." Derek nods at me, silently saying goodbye and with that he jumped out of my window.

"If you need anything call us." Scott tells me as they both jog down the stairs.

"Wait guys! I don't have any of your numbers," Stiles quickly comes back putting in all three of theirs.

"Thank you Stiles." I smile as he left.

What an interesting day it's been.


I start to unpack all of the boxes, but sadly the movers had forgotten my bed, so I'm stuck on the floor for probably about a week. I haven't gotten to far in the decoratiting but my desk was set up and all my clothes were in my closet, which I love by the way, it's a walk in. I was just caring a box of my nick-nakes when someone had one hand around my mouth and the other around my waist, for a second I thought it might be Derek, but as I felt claws run down my check giving me a slight cut, and I knew it couldn't possinly be him. I let out a soft whimper, giving him the idea I was scared and wouldn't fight back like the dumb bonde I am, and I am scared, I'm scared shitless, but I will never go down without a fight.

I kick at his shins, causing him to fall to the ground, I snatch my phone off the floor, hitting Derek's number which is already on speed dial, but I drop it once again as the stranger grabs my feet pulling me towards him, hopefully Derek picks up his fricken phone, at least he would still be able to hear me scream.

"Get off me, you ass! " I scream at the stranger who climbs on top of me, I can't see his face, for my eyes only see the ground I'm currently being smashed against.

"Shhhh sweety," the stranger whispers in a male tone, so he's a guy, I knew it! What girl stalks other girls, obviously it's a dude.

I gave one last struggle before hearing Derek's voice,

"Candice?! Candice?!"

Luckily I finally flip over but he still won't get off of me, He turns his head, so I just about see what he looks like, but then all I see are his knuckles connecting to my face, and darkness sets in.

Dirty Little Secrets (Derek Hale) (Teen Wolf) Slowly EditingWhere stories live. Discover now