Chapter 35

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"This is a terrible idea." I remind Derek once again as we walk towards where our suicidle mission will take place.

"We'll be fine."

"You don't know that." I contradict. "I could totally fuck up and pass out or something."

"But you won't." He retaliates.

"You still don't know!" He wraps a hand in mine.

"But I trust you, and love you so even if you do screw up and we die, at least that will still be true." My eyes widen, did he just say he loves me? Like L-O-V-E, love?

"So your not mad I went to New Orleans?"

"I understand why you did it, but I wish you would have told me." I nod my head.

"I'm glad, better to know that we're good before I die."

"You're not going to die."

"Hopefully." He stops me, and I look at him in confusion.

"We're almost there. But if this is the last time I'm breathing." He takes my face in his hands and kisses me, not the lustful ones we usually share but a loving one, almost like a goodbye, but that makes me want to win this all the more. I want more of those kisses.

He pulls away all to soon and he start walking again before a voice stops us.

"Who is this lovely looking thing, Derek?" I look to my right and see a man. Even though I can't see his eyes because if sunglasses, I know he's an alpha, and a power full one at that.

"Someone you should be scared of." I respond, noticing three other Alphas emerge from the woods.

"And why is that?" He asks, almost mockingly.

"You'll find out soon enough." I'm not ready for this. I can't do this, what happens if Derek gets hurt? Or dies or tortured- Stop it Candice, get a grip! I scream in my mind.

I sense a fourth Alpha behind us but don't turn to look, I know Derek does to but if this is going to work he needs to be in the holds of danger.

"I think finding out now would be better." He says, nodding to the one behind us. He's definitely the top dog. I smile at my joke, Dog- werewolf, get it?

Derek growls as a large man wraps his hands around his neck, dragging him to where the Alpha who's been talking is.

"Thank you Enis. Kali, get the girl or I'll snap Derek's neck." He gives me a smile as a girl with dark hair and no shoes comes toward me. I let out a growl, flashing my eyes.

The all look taken aback and Kali looks back at the leader. Who's only staring at me.

"What are you?"

"I told you, someone you should be afraid of." I let out a roar and they all shift, all of their eyes going to blue before back to red. Not one innocent werewolf.

"Enis." Before I can react he twists his arms snapping Derek's neck.


Oh damn:)

Dirty Little Secrets (Derek Hale) (Teen Wolf) Slowly EditingWhere stories live. Discover now