The Master Emerald

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The Master Emerald is a massive green emerald and a mystical relic of immeasurable power from the forgotten past. Created by the gods, the Master Emerald acts as a counter to the chaos emeralds. The one who controls the Master Emerald can nullify and control the chaos emeralds, making the Master Emerald a very valuable gem.

The Master Emerald rests on Angel Island where its power keeps the island afloat in the sky; without it, the island will fall down. Over the last four millennia, the Master Emerald has been guarded by the surviving echidnas of the Knuckles Clan who has kept the gem safe from those seeking it for their own gain. In the present day, its current guardian is Knuckles the Echidna.

At times, Dr. Robotnik would always try to steal the Master Emerald for its power. Sometimes the Master Emerald can be broken into pieces and Knuckles would be the one to find them. Knuckles would also protect the Master Emerald from thieves. The one thief that would always steal the Master Emerald is Rouge the Bat.

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