chapter 3: Fly class

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It's Trusday first day of flying class and since the Troll accident Harry Hermione Ron and you are best friends. You and Harry got closer so did Ron and Hermione.
You came on the Quidditch field with your new friends when you got out there where broomsticks laid in two rows facing each other Gryffindor stand on one side Slytherin stayed on the other.
Madam Hooch came out said, "Good afternoon class!" "Good afternoon," everyone responded. "Today is your first flying lesson everyone get to the left side of your broom, stick your right hand over the broom and said 'up'" she continued. Everyone started saying, "up!" You and Harry got it the first try (your mom taught you when you got your first broom). It took a Slytherin Draco Malfoy two tries. Everone else longer to finally get it. Then Madam Hooch continued "once you got your broom in your hand Mound it and grip it tight you don't want to be sliding off the end whenever I blow my whistle I want you to kick off the ground hard keep your broom study hover for a moment Lean Forward slightly then touch back down."(I got this all from the video.) When Madam Hooch blew her whistle Neville Longbottom started to fly Madam Hooch try to bring him back down but then he took off he started to fly around quickly then he fell. "No one fly around I have to take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing anyone who flies around will be out of Hogwarts before they could say 'Quidditch', understand," Madam Hooch said while taking Neville to Hospital wing.
Draco had something that fell out of Nevilles' pocket. Then you heard Harry yelling, "give it back Malfoy!" "No in fact I'm going to keep it," he responded. You shouted, "you heard what he said Malfoy give it back!" "You're cute what is your name?"he asked. "Y/ n" you said. "why are you sticking up for Potter is he your boyfriend?" Plus why let him be your boyfriend and not me I am a pureblood of course" Malfoy laughed. You said the first thing that I can come to your head, "yes, yes he is my boyfriend!" Everyone look shocked even Harry especially Harry. "Fine then have it your way come and get it on the roof get beyond your reach Potter and l/n." you both get on your brooms Hermione trying to stop you but you already are chasing Malfoy. Harry yelled, "give it here now for it or I'll knock you off your broom." Malfoy smirked and said, "no but I will give you a trade the girl for the remebrall." Harry firmly said, "no she is my girlfriend and she is not for trades." You smile bright. Draco got a chaser ball threw take then the remebrall. You got the chaser ball Harry got the remebrall right outside of madam McGonagall window. You threw the ball back in the case and Ron closed it. Harry and you gently touch the ground Hermione gave you a hug while Ron asked, "when did you guys start dating?" You and Harry looked at each laughed and at the same time said "now!"
Madam McGonagall said, " Poter and l/n my office now!" You and Harry looked at each other in fear. We walked past a class. Madam McGonagall ask for Oliver Wood. We got to her office, "meet you new chaser and seeker you," she said Harry and you look at each other in relief. "Saturday you will show them how to play" she said. He nodded his head so did you and Harry.
A/n• I got most of the things said from the sence at the top.I hope you liked it. (: (: ;) <3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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