Chapter 16

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November 21, 2030

Baylee's POV

It's been 3 weeks since We've seen Tom and I catch my self thinking about him constantly. Why did I have to see him that day? All of the memories we shared are playing through my head 24/7. His brown eyes looking back at me in my dreams. Stop it Baylee. Before you start something you don't want. Or do I want it?

It's currently 8:40am and I'm trying to get Kinley ready to go spend the day with Uncle Vic and girlfriend. I have some business to take care of at my modeling office.

"Kinley are you ready yet? Uncle Vic is almost here." "I'm coming mom!"

A few seconds later Kinley comes running down the stairs.

"Do you want me to braid you hair?" "I'll be fine. I'm gonna see if Aunt Danielle will curl it for me later and give each other make overs." "Sounds like you have yourself a plan."

I smile at her when we hear a horn beeping. I walk out the door to see Vic in the car with Danielle waiting.

"Kinley! Come on they're here!"

I yell in the house after her. She comes running out side. I give her a quick hug before she hops in the back of Vic's jeep and they take off. I head back inside to get my self ready.

-2 hours later-

Baylee's POV

I'm still sitting here in this meeting. It should be ending soon though. It's just going over a few things about this up and coming fashion show.

"Alright guys I believe that's all I have for today. I'll see you guys in one week at the show!"

I grab my things and head out side. Before I can read the door the director stops me.

"Baylee. Just the person I wanted to see. Can we talk for a few?" "Of course." "Follow me right this way."

I follow him to his office. He sits down in his big chair behind the desk.

"I know this is kinda sudden but I need you to start off a segment of the show for me. I'd like to set you up an appointment for tomorrow to look at the starting outfit and get your thoughts on it. It's that ok?" "Of course. What time?" "Is 9:30 ok?" "Yea that's fine. I'll see you tomorrow?" "Of course. See you then Baylee."

He stands up and hugs me. I smile and walk or to my car and cal Vic instantly.

"Hello?" "Hey Vic it's me. Are you gonna be busy tonight and tomorrow for a little bit?" "No why?" "Well just got a last minute detail about the show. I'm starting off a segment and I have to try the starting outfit on and give feedback tomorrow morning. So you think you and Danielle can watch Kinley for me over night if I bring her more stuff?" "Of course! We love her." "Great. Thanks again! I'll be over in a little bit." "Alright see you then." 

I hang up and proceed to cal my brother Travis.  It goes straight  to voice mail.

"Hey Travis it's me Baylee. I know you're probably busy and all but I was just wondering if you could give me a call back. I need to ask you somethings. Love you. Bye."

I set the phone down and drive back to my place.

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