Chapter 24

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Jesse's POV

Tom still wasn't home when I arrived. I sent him a quick message.

J-hey babe. I'm home so when ever you're on your way home let me know so I can start dinner. Love you 😘

I set my phone down still thinking about how I was going to tell Tom when I got the perfect idea. I smiled to my self and run upstairs while texting Tom.

J-sorry me again, but I gotta go pick stuff up from the store for dinner.
T-it's fine. We should be finishing up soon. I'll be home in about an hour love you too 😘

I smile and slip on a pair of dark skinny jeans, a blue sweater with a matching beanie and a pair of high heeled boots. (Outfit pictured above) I grab my keys locking the door and head to the store.

*time skip to the store*

I lock the door after stepping out of the car. I grab a basket and head towards the produce section looking for "baby" foods.

After finding everything I needed I head to check out. As I'm waking I hear someone scream. I tune around to see a group of about three girls starring at me. I wave at them causing them to scream again. They walk up to me trying not to freak out.

"OMG YOURE BAYLEE MILLS!!" "That would be me. The one and only."

They all laugh.

"Can we get a picture with you?" "Of course."

We pose for a couple pictures. They thank me and walk off. I pay for my items and drive back home. The trip not taking more than 35 minutes.

*another time skip(please don't hate me)*

I place my keys on the little table we have by our door and head straight to the kitchen to start preparing dinner.

About 45 minutes later everything is almost finished when my phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" "Hey baby. I'm almost home now. Is Kinley still at your parents?" "Yea she waned to stay the night again." "That's fine. I missed you today." "Me too. I met some fans today at the store." "That's cool. We can talk more when I get home. I love you." "I love you too."

We say our goodbyes and hang up. I set the table and start moving the food to the table. I hear the front door open and shut.

"I'm home babe." "I'm in the kitchen."

I tell while taking the last dish to the table.

"What's on the menu for tonight?"

Tom says as he walks into the dinning room.

"Baby corn, baby potatoes and baby steaks." "Sounds good."

He says sitting down being oblivious to why everything is baby. I smile to myself thinking about it. He digs into his plate acting like he hasn't ate in days. I have also put some baby items out not to the point you will notice them right away, but eventually.

"So how is your BABY food?" "Great."

I sigh and finish my food outing my dishes in the sink. I set the bottle cleaner by the sink while turning on music which just so happens to have the word baby in it. Like every song that will play. I smile to myself  because Tom hasn't asked about all the baby stuff. I kind of expected it so I put a picture of the ultra sound and a little onesie that says 'I can't wait to meet you daddy!' On the bathroom counter knowing Tom is going to want a shower after dinner.

The other baby items that I have placed are the bottle cleaner, the center piece, which I'm surprised he hasn't noticed, a play pin that's folded up in the front room in a corner and some baby blankets on the couch. Almost forgot about the bottles in the dish strainer.  Tom brings his dishes in and puts gem in the empty sink. He gently kisses me on the cheek.

"Dinner was great babe. I'm gonna get a shower." "Thank you."

He walks into the front room pausing looking at the play pin.

"Hey babe. What's this play pin doing in here?" "Oh I'm just holding it for right now." "Ok."

He heads up the stairs. I run some water waiting for him to come run down the stairs.

Tom's POV

The play pin was a little strang. Actually now that I'm thinking about it there's a lot of baby items around the house. Plus the dinner. Everything was baby. I shake the feeling continuing up the stairs to our room. I take my shoes off placing all of my clothes in the hamper except for my pants that I have on. I walk into the bathroom starting the shower so the water can heat up. I turn around looking in the mirror at myself. I could probably trim my beard while I'm waiting on the water to heat up. I go to get my trimming stuff when I glance down at the counter. There's an ultrasound with Baylee's name and a onesie that says 'I can't wait to meet you daddy'. I about flip shit. I run down stairs to see Baylee standing in the door way of the dinning room smiling at me.

"Are you pregnant?"

She shakes her head yes at me. I scream it in happiness. Running over to and hug her. Not to tight though.

"We're having another baby!"

I say while smiling at her. She laughs again. I pick her up spinning her around again. I set her down and kiss her deep and passionate.

How did I get so damn lucky?

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