Chapter 25

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May 23, 2031

Baylee's POV

I'm almost 5 months pregnant now. Today is the day we're finding out what we're having. I get dressed in a pair of shorts and one of Tom's shirts. We're about to leave for the doctors.

"It doesn't take that long to take one picture. Why do you even have to take one any ways?"

I yell up the stairs at Tom. He comes down saying he's finished. We head to our doctors office.

*time skip*

"Hello Jesse. Tom. Great to see you guys again. Are we ready to find out what that little baby is?"

Our doctor says.

"Yes. I'm so excited!"

I laugh at Tom. He's so happy and that makes me happy. I smile to myself.

"What does daddy think it is?" "A girl." "And what about mommy?" "A boy."

She puts some gel on my stomach and moves the ultrasound machine around.

"Well it looks like........mommy is correct! Congratulations you're having a little boy!"

Tom hugs me breaking down a little bit. I smile hugging him back. I can't believe we're having a little boy 💙

*time skip to the day before the wedding*
Also Baylee is 8 months pregnant.

August 9th, 2031
Baylee's POV

I'm currently with Anna and the rest of the girls moving all of the outfits to the church for the wedding. I went simple with my dress seeing that I'm 8 months pregnant with our baby boy. I smile at the thought rubbing my stomach earning a kick from the little boy.

"So what are you guys naming the baby?"

Anna asks. 

"We've decided not to reveal his name until he makes his arrival. More of a mystery."

I smile at her. We continue getting the church ready for tomorrow. Setting up stuff in our room the most. We have a super busy day. Hair, makeup and everything else we have to do for the big day.

-the next morning-
August 10, 2031
(Also I basically am doing the same wedding like I did in You'll Remember Me for Centuries. I've changed a few things though)

I wake the girls up and we head to the place where the wedding is being held. We get started with hair and makeup right away. Each of us taking turns. After what seems like forever we are all finally ready to get into the dresses. I look at Kinley. She's so beautiful. My eyes and eyelashes. Tom's nose. My hair type, but both of our facial structures mixed. I take her to the bathroom before we get her dressed. I do her hair and then slip her into her dress and shoes. My baby girl is so beautiful. I couldn't be more happy to be her mom. After we get all the bridesmaids dresses it is finally my turn. I take my dress behind this little curtain thing we set up. I climb into it with the help of the hair and makeup artists. I get my veil and put it on.

"Alright. Here goes nothing."

I say out loud. I walk out and their mouths drop instantly. Tears forming in their eyes.

"You look fucking gorgeous. If he doesn't cry I might just punch him."

Anna says.

"Stop crying guys you're gonna make me cry."

We all start laughing. Wiping tears away. Travis pokes his head in the door.

"Hey you guys ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be."
"Lets get things started."

I Deserve Happiness TooTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang