Chapter 6

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I was kept up that night second guessing my actions towards the boys last night, I'd never acted like that before in my life! I was raised 'proper', to be respectful and act like a young lady. Well I hadn't been the best pupil I must admit having been a serious tomboy as a child and even a bit to this day, but it was still how I was raised and I wouldn't have dared acted out like I did in the common room. So, in the light of a new day I decided I had been too harsh on them in an attempt to earn their respect and I should start trying to win them over with 'good graces and smiling faces' as my favourite Au Pair Natalie would have put it.

As I had woken up when the sun rose, as I have a bad habit of doing, and I realised I was making good time after doing my make up and putting on my carefully chosen first day outfit (another pencil skirt but this time bright blue matt, a cream blouse and my Great Granny's pearls again but this time with the matching earrings which were shown off to maximum effect as I had my hair up) that I had time to spare so I decided to kick start my new sugary sweet plan to win them over. Quickly jogging down the many flights of stairs to the kitchen I realised that our house was not one of the ones blessed with an internal chef so got to work trying to locate everything I would need on my own. Honestly my original plan was to make them all pancakes but I soon realised I didn't have the time or resources to make pancakes for 60 or so teenage boys so set about making oatmeal biscuits instead, my Great Auntie Oonagh had taught me to make then when I was younger and they were one of the only things I could manage to bake with any sort of success. Plus they only took 10 minutes in the oven the way she made them which was a definite bonus right now.

I managed to locate an apron and got stuck in, smiling as it brought up fond memories of a woman who I had loved so greatly but who was unfortunately no longer with us. Weirdly enough the memories were coming back so strong that I even started humming the same tune my Auntie would as she mixed the ingredients- The Irish washerwoman. I even started doing a little improvised jig as I dished the mountains of batter onto several baking trays and pushed them into the industrial oven. I was actually enjoying myself far too much and kept up the dancing and humming as I started to clean the kitchen after myself.

"You have a good ear, I can't say much for your singing when you decided to pick a song with no words but I can say your tone and pitch were spot on."

I jump in shock as I'm interrupted and glare at the intruder, more to do with my bad luck than my distaste of him, as Campbell continues to lean on the door frame.

"Mr MacIntosh, can I help you?"

He looks at me with a smug look of feigned hurt, "Mr MacIntosh? We're on a second name basis? Emily dearest you wound me."

I glare at him some more,"As I have said before that is Miss Gra- Hamilton to you."

Oh crap! I near slipped up already. I try not to let my anxiety over the near slip up show on my face as I panic inside but thankfully he doesn't call me up on it. I don't know of it's because he missed it or because he sees the barely concealed panic in my eyes but whatever the reason is I'm grateful.

"What are you doing looking so lively at this ungodly hour?"

"Making biscuits of course, and it's 8 O'clock for goodness sake! Not exactly early by any means. If you must know I've always been an early riser."

He raises a single eye brow at me in slight disbelief, "A morning person? I had thought they were just a myth."

I whip him with the tip of a tea towel, quickly following his own suddenly playful mood and grin at his unamused look. I think I like Campbell with a sense of humour," Make yourself useful and help me lift all these biscuits out before they burn."

To Seek. To Learn. To Hide.  *All Boys School Story*Where stories live. Discover now