III. Yes please

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A week and a half later . . .

"Mom can I go out for a moment,I need fresh air" I yell taking the card key from the sink

"Yeah,sure. Just come back before eleven ok?"

"Yes mom thanks, see you"

"And take care!"

"Yeah Yeah" I mumble closing the door. Finally some alone time.

I let go of the doorknob behind me and sigh.
I don't know where to go.
I've been thinking so much on Kelsey. I can't just help it,hours ago I was watching a movie and I remembered I watched it for the first time with her and it was a really sweet day.
She was so sweet and caring with me. I don't love her anymore,how could you love someone that played with you? But my moments with her were just perfect,the cuddles,the kisses,the words,the whispers,the secrets,the playfulness,everything was just perfect. But that was just a masquerade and I have to get over it now.

I didn't notice I started walking in the middle of nowhere and now I find myself at a spot that seems so calm and fresh. The sand is almost white and the sea can't look any more perfect than now.
I sit and play some music on my headphones,close my eyes and let the air caress my skin. Smelling the beach's water

Five songs later I start to feel sleep take over me so I guess I'll walk back to my room or I'll fall asleep in here.

"Hello there" I shoot my eyes open to see a pair of beautiful ones looking into mine.
It's Mitchie

"Hey Mitchie" I say softly before letting out a small sigh.

"You scared me a little"

"Yeah it was tad creepy,sorry" she chuckles. I watch her as she sits on the sand and grins up at me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask still in low voice. Feeling like if I talked louder I'll break the peace.

"Oh I happen to like waking at nights on the beach to watch the stars and smell the beauty. And I saw you here so I said 'Oh look Mitchie! Looks like you have found a mermaid!'" She says with an acting voice I had to laugh cause she's just so cute.

"You're so cute" I whisper stupidly voicing my thoughts. She looks up at me with a dream gaze. And again, I find myself losing on them.
The moon making them sparkle so much and the same light allowing me to see also her gorgeous body.
She is wearing a black tank top and a pair of blue boy shorts that just fit her perfectly. After some seconds,she smiles and bits her lip with that cute shade of pink on her cheeks

"I think you're more cute" she whispers back. I smile but suddenly felt embarrassed so I lower my head trying to hide my blush.

She grabs my chin with her index finger and thumb and lifts it back up

"I mean it,you're so beautiful" she whispers and I blush even harder making her smile. I don't know what to say. Saying I think she's more beautiful would be weird,though it's the truth. So I just remain silence. A peaceful silence

She caresses my cheek and then takes my hand in hers,rubbing the back of it. I start to feel chills all over where her hands had touched my flesh and I start to feel warm inside

"So,mind to tell me what you were thinking about?" she asks breaking my daze.

"I was just thinking"



"What kind of stuff"


"Oh I'm sorry I'm so nosy its just that. You know? It's not cute to see you frowning,I like you better smiling" she smiles with a soft understanding look in her eyes. She always knows what to say. Well, our always means the last week and a half that we've been hanging out every now and then

"No,it's really ok" I smile. And we fall in silence again.

"Mitch,I don't want to offend you or something buy I have a question" I say biting my lip,she just smiles and nods

"It's ok,which is your question?"

"Well all the things you say to me,I mean they are sweet and I love it but well it confuses me,I-I- I want to know if you know..I-if you're also g-gay" I whisper and lower my head but she doesn't answer. When I look back to her to find her smiling.

"Yeah Mikayla,I am. I like girls ... wait no. I like you" my heart stops for a brief moment before it goes full speed as I see her shinning eyes staring into mine. Saying so many things and at the same time nothing.

"I am so sorry if I freak you out,but you have to know it. I have to tell you. You're so beautiful. You're the most beautiful human my eyes have ever seen. You just enchanted me when I first saw you. As cliche as it might sound,I felt sparks flying when I came across to your face. I've never felt that before. Let alone at first sight. I'm sorry if this is scaring you. But if I don't ask,I'll never know what could have happened ... I know you've been hurt. And I know it's too soon. We just met and we've just talked like ten times since then. But I can tell by the way I feel when you talk,when you look at me,when you are next to me ... that this isn't a caprice. This is something else that you've lighten up inside of me. And I want it to turn into something right. I promise that if you give me a chance,I can make you forget about what's been hurting you. I will never make you any bad Mick. I will protect you and treat you like you deserve.
I know this is crazy,heck I'm crazy for doing this ... but there's this feeling I have inside that makes me think that if I didn't tell you ... I wouldn't have had another chance.
There's something about you that makes me desire nothing else with more passion that you being mine. I want you to let me get inside your heart ..." She breaths out as I close my eyes. I can almost feel her strawberry breath on my lips. There're so much feelings between those words. Honesty,care,sweetness...passion. That when I mix them together in my mind,my knees start to feel weak and shaky automatically.

"Mitch...I don't --I don't know what to say" I was speechless. She leaves me speechless.
We stare into each other before a smile creeps up her face while leaning over me on her knees

"I can help you" she whispers leaning into me more until her lips find my spot. My eyes rolling back as her soft lips make their way up my neck and the side of my face.
I let out a breathy groan. This woman is just so perfect.
Her sweetness. The way she makes me feel loved,wanted. Being around her is just so comfortable and her constant happiness always makes my day.
I hate to compare ... but the last month I spent with Kelsey is nothing compared with this week I've been with Mitchie. I think I have my decision.

She pulls away with a last breath hitting my cheek and we lock eyes once more. I stare into those dreamy chocolate eyes as I whisper out my answer


"Yes?" She whispers back.

"Yes,I'd love to be yours" 

I smile wide watching how her eyes light up and she throws herself over me,hugging me tight.

And suddenly she's standing us up,carrying me into her arms,spinning me around. And I think this can't be any sweeter

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She half yells pecking my cheek every time her mind made up another thank you. I just laugh while my feel touch the sand again and pull away just enough to look into her eyes

"Mitch,don't say that. There's nothing to thank in here but me thanking you for just making me feel so special" he head shakes while her arms are still around me and she leans in to peck my nose

"You are special"

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