VIII. Wait for me

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"Make sure there's nothing left in the drawers and check the rest of the room" I simply nod,walking back inside. I pull on every single drawer. My feet being dragged by the idiocy of not wanting to leave this place. The smell of it remembered me of her. The sound of it remembered me of her. Being without this,without her,will be like forgetting what my soul breaths for.

I seriously can't believe this is happening. Like,it's obvious,I know,because I had to leave someday ... but I just,I just keep hoping that this is just a bad dream in which I will wake up and find her beside me. But no,of course it isn't. This is real,I'm leaving. I'm leaving all my happiness in here.

I know I sound like a retarded typical teenager whose life depends on love in the most stupid way. But it's true that I have lived my best moments with Mitchie. No one who knew,would deny it.

I finish checking the room up and close the door behind me. I shake my head at my mom and them all immediately start walking towards the elevator. I stay still in my spot.
Turning my gaze to my right,I spot her and her family getting their things out of their room. And that's when I couldn't handle it more,tears start to approach my eyes.

And then fear invades my whole soul and heart. She's leaving ... she's leaving to be far away from me. What if she finds someone else? What if she gets to love someone else more than she ever loved me? OMG I have to chill before I have a heart attack in here.

I walk towards them,reaching her dad first. I smile up at him and he smiles back. A sad smile fills his features as he gives me a small but strong hug. I got to get closer to him,he is like the father I never had and will never have. I'll miss him.
Then I walk until her mom. With a hug and a "take care sweetheart" she pulls away for me to finally arrive to the person I love with all my heart and soul.

I am about to open my mouth when Layla pulls on my shirt with force,making me bend. Okay,I'm done. A river of tears start to roll down my cheeks.
My little sister in law. She had become closer to Jake since every once a while I brought him with me and they would play like if they were best friends. This is killing me,the memories are killing me in the most painful way.

I hug her as tight as I can and peck her cheek.

"Take care princess,I promise I will see you later and we will go for that delicious cookie ice cream you love so much. But right now I want you to promise me you will behave,okay? And you will take care of your sister while I can't. Make sure she doesn't see other girls or boys,got it pal?" She nods her head roughly with a small smile up over her face.

"I PROMISE!" She half yells in a wannabe military way. I laugh and give her a last hug squatting down

"I'll miss you Kayla" she whispers on my ear. Her tinny arms trying to wrap around my back but her hands only reach my sides.

"I'll miss you more little Layla,but this is not a goodbye,okay? I'll come back to you and we will play and watch movies and go to the park and sing around like we always do" Her head crocks to the side,her small breath hitting my neck. That's when I look up at Mitchie to find her in tears,just looking down at us.

"I love you" I feel my heart crunch and my feet giving in,making me lose my balance for a few seconds. This words just touched my heart in so many ways.

"I love you too,sister" We stay like that for about two minutes before she pulls away and with a last kiss on her forehead,she walks away to her mom.

I sand up and stare into those dreamy chocolate eyes.

"Mitchie" I whisper but it comes out as a squeak.

"Mickey" She whispers back with a half smile on her luscious lips. And in a blink of an eye,she's jumping over me. I wrap my arms around her waist,picking her up as she wraps her arms around my neck.

I spin her around faintly and gently. If only I could hold her like this forever.

Eventually I put her on her feet again and we pull away enough for us to talk.

"I love you Mitchie" I whisper in a burst moment. The pain sinking more and more with each passing second

"I love you Mickey,so much" she pulls me into a tight hug. Our sobs echoing between us. Every moment between her legs,every moment she was between my arms,everything. Everything we shared passing all around my mind in images.

"I guess this is goodbye" she says pulling away of the hug. I push a strand of hair off her face and behind her ear,my thumb whipping away her tears.

"Please Mitch,wait on me. Please don't love someone else than me. And if you do,please promise you'll make sure he or she treats you better than me" and that's when it happens. My mind goes white for a brief second,making me fall over my knees. I can't handle this

"MICKEY! You are my one and only. The only person I will ever love. You're my forever girl,Mikayla. Will you wait for me?" she whispers getting over her knees to be my high

"Forever" I crash my lips with hers. My arms wrapping around her for the last time,giving me our last kiss.

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