9: Divinity Potential

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          I opened my eyes to my alarm ringing. I wasn't out of breath or anything at all, which was quite weird. Sitting up on my bed, I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time. My clothes were sitting on my dresser, ready for me to wear. It didn't take that long to get ready, but I was surely tired. When I went out of my room, I discovered that my family was still asleep since nobody was to be found in the living room or the kitchen. I grabbed a few breakfast bars and headed out to my car. It was a slow, boring drive to my school, considering that it was Thursday. I parked my car and started to walk towards the main entrance of the school. When I walked inside the school, Halley gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hey, handsome," she said, looking up at me. I didn't know if it was magic or something, but she always managed to look prettier, day by day. She was wearing skinny jeans, accompanied by a red and white jacket.

"Hey, beautiful," I responded, smiling. As she took her arms off of me, the first bell of the day rang. We walked to class together, talking about how her day went yesterday. When we got into class, she sat down on her chair, which was across the room from mine. I sat in the front corner, with two other people near me. One of them was a girl, who always paid complete attention in class. The other was a guy named Nick. He was about my height, and we didn't really talk much. I've heard rumors that he dated Halley once. I talked with her about it, too, but she told me not to worry about him. She ended her relationship with him because he was a jerk. I didn't hear anything else about him because Halley didn't want to talk about it. It made me curious as to what happened between them, but I respected Halley's privacy and didn't ask anything else. The teacher started to introduce a new lesson to the students. The more I thought about Nick and Halley being together, the more it made me hate Nick. It wasn't anything that he did; he just gave off a bad feeling.

"Alright, everyone," he said, excitedly. "I'm going to throw a question at you guys. First person to give me the right answer wins. Ready?"

"What do we win?" a girl said, from the front of the room.

"Good question. How about extra points? Get it right, and I'll hand over twenty free extra points towards your final grade for this classroom. But, there's only one try per person." Small, excited whispers started spreading across the room. Even I got excited for this. "Alright, here it is. In what year did Frederick, the First, become the elector of Brandenburg?" The room became chaos, and everyone started shouting and guessing years.

"1720!" the girl next to me shouted.

"Nope," the teacher laughed. "Not even close."

"1273!" Nick exclaimed, confidently. The teacher rejected his answer and laughed.

"It was the year of 1415," I told my teacher, boldly. The stinging pain ran across my head, again. The room became silent, and everyone looked over at me, including the teacher.

"Yeah, that's correct," the teacher said while looking at me in shock. After what seemed to be a minute, the teacher wrote something in his grade-book. The sound of the tip of the pencil was the only noise to be heard from the room. "How did you know that, Aries?"

"I took a wild guess."

"Lucky guess, then." The bell rang, dismissing us from the teacher's class. As I got my backpack, Halley ran over to me, with shock on her face.

"Aries, that was amazing," she told me. "How did you know that? That's incredible."

"I don't know, I just shouted the answer to see if I was right," I told her.

"Well, you got twenty extra points, now!" She kissed me.

          The rest of the day went by, slowly. I kept thinking about the man in the white tuxedo from my dreams. I had so many questions to ask him. Could it be? Could my dreams actually tell me the future? They've been coming true so far, but why me? The whole situation made me confused, but more curious. I was eager to learn more about the future; help other people, if possible. After my last class, I kissed Halley, and I left the building.

          During the evening, as I was playing video games, my phone buzzed. I received a text from my parents, telling me that they'd be late coming home. That means that I had to go find my own dinner. I picked up my phone and called Halley. She picked up the phone, almost immediately.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hey, darlin'," I responded. "Listen, you hungry?"

"Well, kind of. My parents are still out of town, and I don't think there's much in this house."

"Great, I'll be there in an hour. Be ready, dress nice."

"Wait, wha-" I hung up the phone.

          I drove over to her house after an hour. She always told me about how much she loved surprises. So, I decided to surprise her. I parked my car in her driveway, and she saw me. As I exited the car, her door opened. She ran over and hugged me, really hard. It almost hurt, but luckily, I liked her hugs.

"You're here early," she said. "Come inside, I just need a couple more minutes." I stepped inside her house, as she ran upstairs to get ready. The house was really big. So many windows and so many rooms. It looked like as if she had three living rooms. I wouldn't have been surprised, though. The huge kitchen was amazingly furnished. To top it all off, her house was magnificently clean! It was crazy. She came back down moments later, and my mouth dropped. God, she looked absolutely stunning in the blue dress.

"Oh my goodness," I said, as she blushed. "How did I get so lucky?"

"Oh, shut up," she said, laughing. "You're so adorable, Aries."

"Look who's talking." She came down and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Ready for our date?"

"Ready as always." She kissed me.

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