15: Reunion

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With caution, I descended into a room filled with darkness. Daniel flipped a light switch, revealing a sort of small, hidden bunker. It looked like he was having a panic attack. As he was opening a large medicine cabinet, I decided to look around to see what was inside of the bunker. There were a few couches, a small counter with bar stools, decorative lights, a refrigerator, and a door. It reminded me of a living room of a house. A very small house.

"Where are we?" I asked. He had a bottle of pills in his hand which I assumed was for anxiety. He took two pills and returned the bottle to its place.

"Safe-house bunker," he answered. "I built this place before I started my business. I thought it would come in handy someday. I was right."

"What about the police?"

"We'll be alright. The door is hidden and camouflaged from the ground up. Also, the couch is triggered to go back into place, so it seems like we were never there.

"What about Miranda?" He looked away.

"Look, man, I'm sorry about what happened to Miranda. I really am, but there's nothing we can do." He sat down on one of the couches. It seemed as if he was trying to calm himself from what just had happened. I sat down on the sofa across from him.

"I'm getting her back."

"What? No, man, you're out of your mind. Getting her back? Do you even realize what could happened to you if they find you?"

"I'm going to go get Miranda back."

"You're insane! That's suicidal!"

"Maybe so, but she saved me. I know she'd do the same for me."

"You're just going to break into a prison cell and rescue her? We're both going to be caught and killed."

"I didn't ask for you to come along." There was a long silence. "I know it'll get me killed, but I need her."

"I'm going wherever you go."

"No, Dan, you've done enough to help. I really appreciate it, but you're right. It can get us both killed."

"We're going to need a plan." He ignored me. "Follow me."

He got up and opened a door. I followed him, naturally. He revealed a room with at least six queen-sized beds. There was another door inside of the room, but it was locked with a pin code. He pressed four buttons on the pin code, and the door slid to the right, revealing a white room. As I entered the room, my jaw dropped. The room was lined up with small pistols, rifles, gadgets, tools, clothes, shoes, and a lot of technical/electrical mechanics.

"Where the hell did you get all of this?" I asked, shocked.

"I bought it! Cool, right?" he responded. "You like it?"

"Yeah, but don't your parents know?" The smile vanished from his face. "What happened? What's wrong?"

"I don't have anybody. I was the 'nerd' in school. Nobody really talked to me. I don't have any parents or siblings, either. I grew up in an orphanage."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't kno-"

"It's all good. Right when they let me go from that place, I met Jessica. The day after she died, I saw a dream about a bunch of numbers. Just out of my luck, they happened to be lottery numbers. I won $50,000! I guess it was His way of apologizing to me after taking her away from me. No amount of money could replace her, though."

"You have me, though. But $50,000?? Where is all that money, now?"

"We're standing in it. I used all of it to build my business and this bunker. A little self-teaching, a little mechanics, and I build this paradise of mine. We're going to get your Miranda out from prison." I smiled a little bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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