Chapter 4: God War II: The Death of Daeskesh

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Once again the Parent Gods slumber, and once again, conflict arises. The Aspect Gods are extremely intelligent beings. They often congregate to discuss their views of the cosmos and their personal philosophies. The Aspect Gods would have no hostility or negative opinions towards their siblings. All except Daeskesh. He was convinced that his views and ideals were supreme, he grew to despise his fellow gods, and his anger was strongest when it came to his father. The fact that the Father God didn't make him the throne's inheritor infuriated him to no end, in such a way that the Parent Gods never could have foreseen.

He would be absent to the meetings held between his siblings in the Parent God's Palace of light. His temper grew shorter as he would thrash out against the other gods. He would even destroy parts of the other god's realms within the immortal plain. Auskash, under pressure from the other gods, made an attempt to reason with his twin. This attempt was met only with fire, and Auskash was scared by his brother's flame. This sparked the second God War, also known as the Death of Daeskesh. Daeskesh's corruption was now unmistakable. His body started to whither, his skin had become dry and flaky. His veins turned black by his spirit's growing perversion. He unleashed his armies upon the realms of his brethren. Auskash fought back with his elven armies in full force. And Lillithia's seductive creations trapped and killed the demonic soldiers by the thousands. Even Kialay loaned her creations to the cause. Millions of the demons were wiped out by the gods on their dragons, but the armies of the corrupted flame god weren't fully outmatched. Many of Lillithia's creations were captured and corrupted. Turning them into what is now known as the Lustial race, and were used with the similar purpose as their old selves. Humhal's angelic creations protected the sleeping Parent Gods and their palace with all their might. Daeskesh's Armies were failing fast. Millions of demonic soldiers were taken out by the gods and their creations every day. His armies hardly even had any dragons in his army. The intelligent dragons were against the Flaming God, they helped the angelic armies protect the palace of the parent gods. The stead and dragons of brawn also opposed Daeskesh.

In a desperate attempt to create a beast to match the might of the opposing armies. What resulted was clearly not a dragon, but an unholy insult to creation. The wretched monster had seemingly the body of a dragon, but had sickly almost, rotten flesh, burnt skeletal wings, eyeless sockets, and on much of it's body, is doused in flames. This monstrosity is known as the soulless Sabak Drake. It did not have the gift of flight for that gift was despised by Daeskesh by the time he created the beast. It was a powerful beast that was intimidating to the more peaceful gods. It is the flame god's stead, and some speculate that it lives in slumber in the mortal realm, possibly our planet. This beast destroyed massive waves of opponents, but eventually was defeated without being destroyed by Harik with his smithing hammer Jolshior. He nailed the tip of Sabak Drake's tail to the divinity artifact Soshal's Pillar. A pillar created by Harik's son Soshal as a peace offering to Daeskesh to end the war, but was turned into a tool that Daeskesh used to create Sabak Drake.

At this point Auskash was desperate to end the bloodshed, so he decided to face Daeskesh and end the war. Humhal protested Auskash's decision. He decided to go with him to prevent Auskash from killing his twin, or the opposite, for he new the importance of every Aspect God and so he knew that each had to live to keep balance. Harik forged a sword and armor for Auskash, the sword would come to be known as Flame's Bane. A sword made from an ore that exists only in the immortal plane, it becomes more powerful the hotter the environment is without any limit. The blade would slay countless maleficent self made gods throughout history. The armor would come to be known as The Armor of The Flying God. The armor is made of the same ore as the sword. Auskash still wears the torso and boots of the armor with the Gauntlets of the armor on our planet in the Golden Hall.

When Auskash confronted Daeskesh in his realm that was near collapse. Auskash said to his twin, "Brother Daeskesh please, what would bring you to such lengths as this?" to which Daeskesh responded, " How dare you call me your brother you bug of a god! I am beyond you, I am beyond Father and Mother, and I will destroy all of you to prove it". He then shot a fiery missile at his brother, but was stopped by Auskash's armor. Auskash then swung his sword and managed to slice off Daeskesh's smallest fingers. Daeskesh howled in pain and then used his hand wielding a gauntlet of flame push Auskash away. He then used his control of fire to create The Blade of Unholy Wrath. They clashed swords until Daeskesh impaled his twins right thigh spilling the God's blood onto a stone creating a very powerful artifact known as The Stone of Blood. Auskash then swung his sword at his brother's chest creating a large gash in it.

Humhal knew he had to stop this violence and punish Daeskesh for his crimes. He pulled away Auskash and struck Daeskesh with a bolt of lightning which gave him The Curse of Corruption. Iron horns speared from the temples of his head, his cheeks were torn, the skin on his ribs burned away, his eyes morphed to that of a dragon's, his hands turned to skinless claws. Humhal then banished him to an empty joyless plain known by most as The Plain of The Void along with his demonic creations. He was striped of his name and he gave himself the name Sarathil (this means both, He Who is Scared, and Ghost of The Flame along with many other meanings). In his prison only Humhal could free him, and so he knew he must be turned into a collective being, a race. Humhal healed Auskash's wounds and waited for his parents to wake while his siblings rebuilt their realms and he ignored his own. Once The Parent Gods awoke Humhal and told them everything that. After all of the gods were done morning Humhal told The Parent Gods about the curse and they agreed to turn his being into a race.

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