Chapter: 5 The Birth of Man on Drehall & The Birth of The Strifes

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Before Man's enlightenment many believed that the creation of man was as simple as a bolt of lightning striking a tree, somehow creating a man. We now know from The Mother God's explanation that the creation of man was very complicated, and was a process that took thousands of years. Man was not born, it was transformed from Humhal.

Humhal knew that he needed to remove his ability to free Sarathil, and that the best way was to turn his existence into a race of being. He decided to have his race evolve from wise Gray Dragons, a race of dragons that only existed on Drehall's tallest Mountain Jourwin, which is also the mountain that the capital city Jourhall is built around.

The change from dragon to man took thousands of years. In these years many fascinating stories can be found, but that will be addressed in time. The first features to change in the dragons were their bone structures. Their arms and legs grew in length, and their shoulders became very broad. Weight shifted away from their arms and into the dragon's legs.

By this time Sarathil had claimed one of his demonic creations as a mate and forced her to birth for him five children. The first abominable child is known as Harclet, the Strife of spite, and pettiness. He/She caused many of the wars between mortals and a god war. The second Strife is named Yaltishe, The Strife of Lust and Ego. He/She thinks themself to be beautiful, but in reality is a hideous beast. The Third and Fourth Strifes are Mulcus and Julswhil. The Strife of domination and torture, and the Strife of cowardice and manipulation. The Fifth Strife is named Haltal, the Strife of Fear and Paranoia. These Princes of evil shall be greater described in time.

By the time the last Strife emerged from the womb of its mother, the Gray Dragons had lost nearly all their scales becoming the stage in between dragon and true human and the first human City was formed. This started by the creation of the first mortal made divine artifact. An extremely powerful warrior by the name of Nuk'tal and his three hunting mates Fal'kot, Jul'saf, and Lat'sor came across a shard of the late elder god Iyae. Nuk'tal wrapped it in his cloak and planned to give it to his wife as a gift. It irradiated with energy and while the shard was wrapped it lost its energy and turned to dust before they made it to camp. The cloak was imbued with the power of the shard and Nuk'tal soon discovered the power that it gave him. His strength was increased ten fold, his fire burned so bright that it appeared violet in color and he was granted amazing foresight.

He fought hundreds of adversaries wining every battle and after proving his strength to countless tribes of Titans he formed the first human society. Many years went by without any signs of aging in the warrior and a theory began in the now king's royal court that he was immortal like the gods which at this point were very mysterious and little was known of them. One of Nuk'tal's most trusted generals Jul'ruc also the son of the long dead Jul'saf said to his king, " lord Nuk, i have heard by many that if struck, your blood would not shed. Is this true?" to which Nuk'tal replied,"If it is true, then your spear shall taste no blood" he then unsheathed the general's spear and used it to try and pearce his own left wing, but the spear shattered the second it made contact.

Everyone in the throne room was amazed and soon this brought warriors from newer cities of the different races to see for themselves. Nuk'tal's many conquests had attracted the attention of a Strife. Mulcus wanted to rape the king's mate as a power play, but that plan was stop immediately in its tracks. Before Mulcus could make his move, he was caught by Nuk'tal. Mulcus is a very tall, well built creature, but was no match for the god Nuk'tal had become. The king picked up the surprised Strife by its ankles and threw it to a wall. The dazed Strife was awe struck by what had happened and would soon regret its actions entirely. Nuk'tal went into a rage and pounced on the unsuspecting abomination and with his claws, tour the Strife's skin from its body. Then began a series of brutal strikes and tossing of the awfully damaged Strife. Nuk'tal then grabbed the Strife by the neck and blew what seemed like a river of fire upon the exposed skeleton of Mulcus charing it. The beast's immortality keeps it alive but in pain, this would be the greatest humiliation the Strife has endured for the next 700,000 years.

After defeating Mulcus the Titan became drunk with power and began mistreating his kingdom, causing massive civil distress. His views showed his soul being consumed by the Strifes. By this time Mankind was slowly leaving the Titan stage and Nuk'tal hated the first to evolve, he thought them to be weak and even those of his family were treated like lesser beings by him. In time a rebellion formed against the king. After a long period of unrest all of the civilians of the kingdom went against the king. A massive army was organised against him. his entire kingdom united against him.

Wave after wave of soldiers stormed the castle, and wave after wave was wiped out by the self proclaimed god. His body count was in the thousands, but compared to the amount of people revolting, these losses pailed. Hope waned, but the people never stopped. One of the leaders of the rebellion Julwin lead a project to create a weapon that can pierce the god's skin. His team searched for another divine shard and eventually came across the diamond crater, a crater full of diamonds formed by a divine shard, the crater is now home to the diamond temple. The shard in the center was removed and it powers were siphoned by a long thin black bandage, creating the most dreaded divine artifact known as The Siphon of Julwin.

This artifact would be used for many malicious purposes that sometimes leave its philanthropist uses unacknowledged. He crafted the Siphon into his family sword, a long forgotten blade that is believed to be destroyed by the monks of the rune. Julwin confronted the morally blind Titan wearing armor made from the strongest material known in his time and an indescribable battle took place, it was as if Julwin was being guided by the wisest of gods for he was holding his own against an immortal conqueror. With the mightiest of blows Julwin tore a gape in the chest of the king he worshipped as a child. The divine energy was sucked away from the corps by the Siphon. The king's body withered into dust for its very power was drained from it. The siphon and cloak still having some energy within it were then locked in a volcanic temple, its use is far from gone according to later history. After the artifacts were locked away man was truly born and the first human kingdoms would slowly be built in The Nomad Age.

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