13: Give Da'wah

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Bismillahi rahmani raheem
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Your neighbor, friend from work or school, and even your family needs someone to deliver the message of Islam to them, whether or not they are already Muslim. Many Muslims that I know don't know much about Islam, and I can't help but feel bad for them. However, having more knowledge, it is my duty, just like every other Muslim, to spread the word and increase the ummah.

Also, if at least one person reverts to Islam (we use the term 'revert' because we believe everyone was born Muslim), every righteous action that they do, you will get the same reward for it. And if one is guided to Islam through them, then you get the same reward as both of them, and the pattern continues.

The problem nowadays is that, we are too afraid to stand up and give da'wah. Why? Because the majority believes otherwise. Because we are trying to hide in our shell, trying to be like them. They're proud of who they are; let's be proud of who we are. Teach them our religion, just like they tell you about theirs, and in'sha'Allah you will receive a great reward, just for speaking to them about Islam.

And that's all from me for today, wa asselamu alaikum, peace ✌🏼️

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