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Alex's POV

"Nicky, you need to get that paperwork done asap," I shouted across the chaotic office.

I didn't understand. Nicky knew how important this sponsorship deal was to the company. We didn't have enough funds to launch our new gaming software ourselves, so we were battling with Larry Bloom and his inane telecoms company for the sponsors. It was pretty simple - the best pitch and business plan would secure the deal. Or it would be simple if my unorganised friend would get her act together.

"Nicky, you know how close I was to firing you the last time you failed to meet one of my deadlines, and the companies fate lies on securing that deal," I informed her firmly.

"Yes, Vause, I'm sorry," she apologised, seeing the concern on my face. "I'll have the papers on your desk on Monday morning."

"Thank you," I replied, checking my watch and wondering off. "Ugh, where are those stupid journalists and their press. Don't they understand that promotion is everything?" I muttered.

It seemed like no one really cared about this sponsorship at all. I was completely taken aback by the complete lack of effort on everyone's behalf. Did they not understand me when I told them their jobs depended on this deal in the meeting last week? Because that was something I had taken very seriously indeed.

"Alex, an official statement has been sent to the news by Business Telecom Systems about the deal, they will start preparations immediately," A voice told me as I rose from my office desk - Emma, someone I could actually rely on.

"So, now that the news has insight on Larry's business plan, he can start setting up conferences with producers," I groaned, trying to brainstorm my next move. Well isn't that just great.

I wasn't someone who always worked and had no play but this really meant make or break for my company - something that I had put so much of my time and effort into. I didn't really know what my next move was if I didn't seal this deal. I had nothing to fall back on and all of my hard work and money would be for nothing. Sure, my income was enough so I didn't need work for a short while but working was something I enjoyed. It made time off all the more precious.

"Stop worrying about things," Emma said, softly rubbing my arm.

"You're hardly going to fix everything," I replied, pulling her onto my knee by the waist.

"No, but I can try to," she coaxed, parting her lips with a smirk and kissing my neck.


Piper's POV

"Larry, can you stop working for just one minute? We're supposed to be eating dinner," I huffed.

His antic has really begun to get to me the past few months. I couldn't have a 5-minute conversation with him without something work related being talked about or done. Everything just lacked sincerity these days, and it was beginning to tick me off.

"Piper, you know how important this is," Larry replied, and after spooning another mouthful of food into his mouth his eyes darted straight back to his laptop, not even bothering to glance my way. I just as well talk to a wall when it comes to him nowadays.

"I know that 'everything depends on it' and 'you could lose everything' but I need my boyfriend back," I sighed.

Seriously, it felt like I was in a relationship with some work dependant, computerised, robot or something and not an actual human being.

"Piper, stop making everything about you. It's not all about you. I pay the mortgage, I pay the bills and if this falls through to Alex," he said, shaking his head, distaste covering his feature. "I need to take that woman down."

I lifted my half empty plate, scraped the remainder of my food into the bin and went upstairs. Larry wasn't always so self-centered. He used to be very giving. He knew how hard I worked at the office for him. I did everything I could, and he most certainly did not pay the mortgage and bills himself. I thought back to our conversation at dinner. This sponsor deal has just thrown everything out of proportion. He couldn't see anything but work anymore. Alex's business wasn't doing half as well as Larry's, I didn't understand what he was stressing out about. I get that it is a big deal but you'd have to be a blind man to see that we aren't doing so much better than her.

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