Chapter 5

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Piper's POV

Alex's hard expression faded away as quickly as it had come. The anger in her eyes dissipated into nothing and returned to the normal, cool, collected forest green. Her strong, defined jaw relaxed as her lips came to rest in their usual way rather than the tight thin line they had become. The ends curved up - she was smiling. No, not smiling. Smirking?

"Do you want to get your phone out? To take a picture I mean, it'll last longer. I don't mind waiting." The alluring, husky tones of her voice floated over to me and broke me out of my trance.

Apparently, I'd been caught staring at the raven head who's overly cocky smirk had only grown. As I felt a blush warm to my cheeks I looked down into my lap and started fiddling with my fingers like they were the most interesting thing in the world. My hair fell around my face as a sort of barrier from the burning gaze I could feel on me, for that I was grateful. When I grasped at the little confidence I could muster, I looked up from my lap and into the crystal clear eyes staring back at me with humour dancing in her iris'.

"Would you like to go get lunch with me? I was just about to go to the little café around the corner and this is as good as time as any to repay you for lunch last time, right? Unless your busy or have plans of course or something..." I stumble over my words as my confidence slipped through my fingers like air under the watchful, confident and humoured gaze of Alex Vause.

Her whole aura projects confidence, power and authority, it's enough to make anyone nervous to just have a normal conversation with her. Let alone ask her out to lunch once I'd already been caught gawking at her. Her whole persona makes it obvious as to why she would be up for this sponsorship Larry is always on about. If it was a decision based on how the person comes across, Alex would win hands down. Whilst Larry would cower away from an argument against his business (or anything for that matter), I know for a fact Alex would argue her point. No matter who it was to.

"Why are you so nervous, Miss Chapman?" Alex enquires with a small smirk on her lips, lowering her voice to a husky whisper and leaning closer to me. So close I feel her hot breath on my skin. I felt like area of skin her breath had grazed has been set on fire.

I abruptly stand up and walk to the other side of the room in an attempt to compose myself. I hear the soft footsteps approach me before anything else. I turn around to be directly faced with Alex right in front of me. So close that if I was to move even a millimetre, we'd be touching.

She closes the gap and moves that little millimetre to whisper in my ear, "I would love to go to lunch with you, Piper."


Once I had composed myself to the best of my ability in the presence of Alex and once she had gathered her stuff, we started the short walk to the café in which she lit up a cigarette. I've never found that someone smoking a cigarette would be classed as attractive, but seeing this beauty do so proved my point wrong. It was a short walk that took no more than ten-minutes. We entered the small, homely looking café and ordered our food before taking our seats by the window.

"So, Piper... This is our lunch date and I still know very little about you." She commented with a raised eyebrow and a smile playing on her lips. I hardened my expression with concussion. She chuckled harmoniously at my reaction to her bold statement

"Seriously though, I know very little about you." She continued with, what I would describe as, a genuine interest laced into her tone.

I almost feel a little shy knowing someone actually genuinely wants to know something about me and isn't just asking to make conversation.

"What would you like to know?" I quizzed.

"You know, your birthday, where you're from, your family, hobbies... That sort of thing" She answered as our food was bought to us which we started eating.

"17th November and I'm 21. I come from Connecticut where I've lived for the majority of my life," I replied very briskly. Alex continued to stare at me as if she wished for me to continue.

"My Mom and Dad still live there in the house I grew up in. I also have two brothers - Danny and Cal. Danny is the eldest and a big shot doctor while Cal is the youngest and lives in the forest with his girlfriend Neri where they 'live off the land' as he says. They are two very different people, as you can probably tell - you wouldn't think they are related.

"Sounds pretty geeky but I love curling up with a good book, it gives me a chance to get away from reality, you know? It's so freeing, an amazing escape... I've always had a passion for books since a very young age. I love to write often too, I've always dreamed of one of my books getting published but Lar-. Anyway, yeah," I concluded, my burst of passion diming near the end as Larry's less than supporting words edged it's way into my mind.

Alex must have seen the change in my demeanour as she lightly held my hand loosely. I raised my gaze to hers at the feel of her warm, soft, comforting skin against my own. The emotions in her eyes swirled around like a sort of whirlpool. A mixture of anger and confusion... It was like I was looking at a different Alex to the one I had previously met. A cocky smirk had not adorned her lips and her perfectly sculptured eyebrow wasn't raised in a knowing manner. Her eyes were soft along with all of her features. It feels like we are in a bubble that's separated from the world. I feel a twinge of guilt as it feels like I'm cheating Larry by being in this peaceful bubble with Alex.

The serene moment was broken by the ring of Alex's phone. I jump a little and Alex looks a little startled herself but covers it with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. She clears her throat and looks at her phone as she fiddles with her glasses. She gives me an apologetic look before answering the call.

"Hey Emma, what can I do for you?" She questions with a hint of irritation.

"It's my lunch break, remember? Where do you think I am?" She replied to this 'Emma' person.

"Look, I'm in the café around the corner. Come and meet me there and I'll give you a lift home. I keep telling you that you need to get that piece of shit car exchanged for something that doesn't break down every week." She continues in a tone with various emotions mixed together.

"Okay, I'll see you in ten-minutes." Alex concluded pressing the small red button on the bottom of the screen. "I'm so sorry Pipes but I need to go, my friend needs a ride home because her car is a piece of shit." She said looking at me apologetically at the fact she has to go.

The only thing that sticks out in my mind though is the nickname. 'Pipes'. A blazing shade of red encases my cheeks as I smile.

She passes me her phone, "put your number in and text yourself. I want to see you again. Tomorrow maybe? We can talk about it later." She explains hurriedly. I do as she asks and type in my number and text myself.

She throws some money on the table and tells me she's buying again since she is the one having to cut it short to which I attempt to argue but knowing I won't get far. This girl is the definition of stubborn after all. She gathers her things in her pockets and takes her phone from my outstretched hand. She stops and looks me directly in the eyes.

"I'll speak to you soon Pipes, try not to miss me too much" She parts with a flirtatious wink and a cocky smirk.

I simply laugh and nod my head, "bye, Alex." I simply say as she rushes out the door at the same time a striking brunette woman walks over to her. I watch the slender frame of the mysterious raven haired woman as she interacts with the brunette who wraps her arms around her neck and kisses her cheek as Alex laughs at something she says before dragging her off to her car and out of my view.

A bolt of jealous runs through my very being at the sight of the brunette wrapped around the green eyed beauty. Alex Vause is like no one I have ever met, that's for sure. She's infuriatingly attractive and has the cool, collected and sultry personality to go with it as well as being intelligent and wise at the same time. A feeling lays heavy in the pit of my stomach. I love Larry, right? This is surely just some brief crush. I mean, anyone in their right mind would be infatuated with this woman. Of course it is. I'm just being stupid. Alex Vause will never be more than a mere friend, if even that. That, I know for sure.

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