Chapter 8

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Alex's POV

Piper left a little while after her confession in a hurry with a few stray tears still rolling down her cheeks. After she left, I grabbed another beer which i drank as I thought about the events that took place this evening.

She looked gorgeous - a blind man could see that. To most people, I know she comes across as a self-assured, WASPy, confident woman. But tonight, if I am not misunderstanding, I saw the vulnerable side of Piper Chapman. The one that has doubts, is lonely, not happy... It's heartbreaking. 

It started off so well but as soon as Larry was bought up, the joyous mood and obvious sense of comfort was destroyed. I didn't like the guy in the first place and not just because of the competition. He just seemed like a narcissistic asshole who  expects things to be handed to him on a silver platter without so much as lifting a finger and i have a strong dislike for people like that. But now that i see how much he hurts and drains Piper... I can't stand him. She deserves better which she doesn't seem to realise. I can't help but feel like it's due to the way he puts her down and only pays her attention when it's convenient for him. That pisses me off.

I can't remember the last time i saw someone break down like that in front of me and appear so open and vulnerable like a child needing help but not knowing where to seek it. When i looked into her eyes, it's like i could hear her screaming for help although no words were coming from her soft lips - nothing but sobs.

It scared me a little. If anyone cries in front of me i freeze up. I just kinda look at them not really sure as to what to do but it's like my arms enveloped her of their own accord and pulled her against my chest as my hands idly played with her hair. I didn't even realise i had done it until moments after it had been done. Hell, i nearly kissed her! I mean, what the fuck was that about?

Replaying the evening over and over in my head is draining so i down the rest of my drink and change into a big band t-shirt and clamber into bed and allow darkness to consume me.

"What do you want, Lee?" Diane all but screamed as 17 year-old Alex clambered out of bed as an array of crashes and bangs awoke her.

"Where is it? Where's my fucking money?! I swear to God I'll kill you, you stupid bitch!" Alex hears a guy all but scream at her Mom. As she walks into the living room, she takes in the destruction of their belongings before looking over to see Diane with her back firmly against the wall as a man holds a knife to her stomach.

"What the fuck are you on about? We don't have your money Lee! Get the fuck out before Alex wakes and-" Diane screams before coming to a halt as she looks at her daughter.

"Dad?" The youngest Vause questions in a volume that's barely considered a whisper.

She goes white and starts shaking. Petrified at the sight of the man that is her Father whom she had never seen in person before now. The same person who is currently holding a knife to her mom's stomach. But that feeling is replaced by hot, white anger as she runs at Lee Burley and tackles him to the ground, punching him with all her might. She doesn't hear Diane scream as Lee raises the hand with the knife in that's heading straight for Alex which she has failed to notice. As Alex lands another punch to her Fathers ribs, she is knocked off him. As she turns to see how she got knocked off, she feels her whole world go into slow motion and start to crumble away. 

Alex let out a blood curdling scream from her trembling lips.

Lee drops the knife which had been occupying his hand and ran.

Diane lay there in a pool of her own blood that's growing by the second due to the open stab wound that was in line with her stomach.

Alex scrambled over to her and immediately placed her hands over the wound to put some pressure on it. She made Diane apply pressure to it herself as Alex took off her top to use to help apply pressure to the wound. 

Alex didn't cry. She couldn't. She was numb.

"You're going to be okay." She told Diane with defiance as she grabbed her mobile and dialled 999. 

The call was a blur.

Alex heard the sirens and grasped Diane's hand and looked into her eyes that weren't as full of life as they usually were. It's like she could see the life draining with each passing second.

"I love you, Al. Don't you ever forget that. You look after yourself." Diane managed to croak out in a trembling voice with a smile.

Alex nodded no. It couldn't be the end. It can't be. "I love you too, Mom. You can tell me the same thing and more in a couple hours because you will be fine. You will." Alex said with conviction as she stared into her mothers eyes.

Diane let out a long exhale and that's when the ambulance crew burst through the door.

Diane stopped breathing. Alex was picked up and moved away, unable to talk or walk or do anything. Barely able to breathe.

Alex watched as the ambulance crew tried resuscitating Diane with no success. 

"I'm sorry for your loss." Alex was told by one of the paramedics.

She stood up and went to lay by Diane's side. One of the paramedics tried to pull her back. She punched him.

She laid beside Diane on her side with her head on her chest while resting her hand on her Mothers.

I sat bolt up right with tears streaming down my cheeks and my body covered in a film of cold sweat. I grabbed my mobile to see it was 8am. Without hesitation, I rang Diane. As soon as she answered and i heard her calming and half asleep tones flow through the speaker, I released a shaky breathe.

"You had that dream again, didn't you Al?" She asked in a soft tone.

"Yeah." Alex all but mumbled in a shaky voice.

The experience from when I was 17 rarely makes it's way into my nightmares, but when it does, it feels so real. 

"Al... I need to tell you something." Diane explains with an ounce of fear laced into her voice. "I've seen him. He's back in New York. I saw him twice the other week. I've not been sleeping so well, I guess you could say... You need to be careful Alex."

I didn't know what to say.


A/N hey guys, thanks for reading. I'm looking for someone to help me write this fanfic so if you're interested, give me a message or something. Thanks!

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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Hearts at War (A Lesbian Story).Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz