Chapter 7

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Piper's POV

I forced a smile as I looked on at my reflection in the mirror as I stood in the hall applying my nude lip gloss. I sighed. It had been a chaotic week as I've been trying to stay on top of things and manage the entire company while Larry was handling so called business meetings. It didn't help that so much had to be done before he left for his stupid business trip which was 'compulsory' and he left the majority of it for me to work through. It really was weighing down on my little shoulders and it quite honestly pissed me off. I think he forgets it isn't my company to run, it's his therefore his own responsibility.

I released a long, slow sigh and rolled my neck and shoulders in an attempt to release some of the built up tension from my body. I walked back into my room and sat in front of my dressing table once I had plugged in my curling tongs. As I waited for them to heat up I allowed my thoughts to wonder to Alex, which immediately made me feel apprehensive about tonight. I mean, this was Alex Vause for crying out loud.

Alex is a very prestigious woman in her own right. Anyone with a corporate company like hers desired power and experience like hers and idolised her in some kind of goddess way. Even then, people who didn't have a corporate company wanted to be her - that or they wanted to sleep with her. At times her presence was intimidating, she had the power to make a grown man tremble in his boots from just one look. But looking at it from a business point of view, it's an amazing quality to have even if it means it means everyone is constantly running scared. Despite the fact many people dislike her, there was something about her that I found genuinely alluring.

My phone vibrated indicating I received a message. As I unlocked the screen Alex's name popped up with a text alert. Speaking of the devil.

'Alex: Remember our date, I'll be there to pick you up in 15 minutes. X'

I grasped the curling irons and started to loosely curl the ends of my hair as I allowed my thoughts to run free once again.

It made me a little uncomfortable that she continued to refer to our impromptu meet up as a date, but nowhere near as much as the little kiss at the end of the message did. Thinking about the text message immediately caused a shiver to run down the length of my spine as I once again grew nervous at visiting Alex's home. A steady stream of questions ran through my head.

Does Alex still live with her family? Does she have a big family? Does she have any pets? Does anyone live with her? What is her home like? Where does she live? Is it homely and traditional or expensive and like some sort of show home?

My thoughts then darted to dinner. I wondered if Alex would really have taken the time and effort to cook or would she leave the decision of take out to me? I became anxious as the thought of awkward conversations came to the fore front of my mind because I was sure to make an absolute fool out of myself within the first five minutes. I wouldn't even have a bathroom to run and hide in whilst I'm swallowed by a pit of embarrassment. Instead I'd have to sit in her car and somehow cope with it.

I finished curling my hair and turned off the appliance as I walked down the stairs and threw my house keys, mobile and some cash (just in case it was needed) in my handbag. Then yet another thought crossed my mind. I wonder how Larry would react to this. I remember the first time we went for coffee and he blew up when we got back, talking about how forming alliances with such competitors would cause great threat to the business.

I had no time to proceed with my trail of thought as there was a knock on the door. I took one quick glance in the mirror in the hall to assure my hair and make-up was still okay and I smoothed down my dress and grabbed my bag before walking to the front door and opening it.

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