Chapter 3

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  Alex's POV

Once we entered the little café, we went to look at the menu board behind the counter and picked out what we were going to order.

"Hey, what can I do for you today?" an overly chirpy teen boy asked over the counter. He couldn't be any older more than 15.

"Can I get a large black coffee, a chicken salad and... Piper, what do you want?" I replied, stopping to ask the blonde what she wanted. As she looked at me she looked a little shocked and a blush had risen to her cheeks. Why? I wasn't sure.

"Sorry, can I have a medium caramel frape with a chicken caesar salad please" she responded, stumbling over her words a little.

The teen nodded in response and told us to go sit down and he'd bring our food over when it's ready. I led us over to a table in the corner next to the window. Whenever I came here, this is where I sat. Diane had always said I had been a people watcher when I was younger, it must have stuck because that's what I do each time I come to this little place. I look out the window and watch all the people go past, some in a hurry, possibly going to work and others walking like they had all the time in the world. I dragged my gaze from out the window to the woman in front of me who was currently looking out the window like I had previously done.

"So, Piper Chapman, what do you do?" I enquire, moving my glasses off my nose and to the top of my head.

"I work for Business Telecom Systems, Larry's company. I'm his personal assistant." She explained.

"So that's how you know him I'm assuming?" I asked, the image of them holding hands flickering through my mind. That's not something a PA and a manager would stereotypically do.

"No, not first and foremost. Larry is my boyfriend; we've been together since I was sixteen – so for five years, this year. Things have changed a lot since then. He puts everything into the company. It's our livelihood. He's really been going all out since this sponsorship deal came up. He should really take a break but our sales are shooting up, the company is bringing in roughly £150,000 a month and we haven't had any problems in absolute months!" She concluded, taking a breath as she went to look back out of the window to what I assumed to be to calm down. I moved my glasses back onto my nose as I thought about what she had said.

I knew his company was doing well from the conference. I had thought back to when me and my co-workers sat down and talked about a possible change in the price of the company's software in the hopes more people would be drawn to the unbelievably low price for such a high quality software. It was a huge chance to take, yes, and we had talked about it for hours but we had very little choice. We had to take it and it had certainly worked in our favour. Our sales had increased my 5% in a month which was amazing, the downside being that Larry's software also had a lot of interest despite being more expensive than our own. He was somehow raking in roughly £10'000 more than us a month from what Piper has previously said and that's despite our 5% profit increase. It seems as though we may have to increase our prices or do something to catch up. But that will have to wait until I'm back in the office and can make a thorough plan of action with my sales and STATs team. I snapped back into reality to hear a slightly embarrassed and distressed sigh being released from Piper.

"I'm sorry" she almost whispered whilst looking at me, "I didn't mean to go all business-y like that. It's just Larry has drummed it into my head" she proceeded, her top lip curling as she spoke of Larry. There was more to it, I knew it.

"I could kind of tell he'd pissed you off in the conference room. When you were talking to that guy and he physically pushed you out the conversation... That was a dick move, he should know better than to push a beautiful girl out the way" I replied with a little wink and smirk for good measure.

Maybe if I sweeten this girl up I'll get a bit more information out of her which would certainly come in handy. For the second time in my presence, she blushed. She had a 'saved by the bell look' on her face as the waiter bought us over our food and beverages. She immediately lifted her steaming cup to her lips – possibly trying to hide the growing red tinge creeping onto her cheeks. We ate our meals and drank our beverages whilst making small talk every now and then. I returned my gaze to the window as I ate and allowed myself to be consumed by my thoughts. As soon as I get home I'll send an email out to the STAT's and money management team calling for an emergency meeting the next morning to discuss the newfound information on Larry's company.

I will be in for a long day tomorrow whether I like it or not. The last meeting like this started in the morning and went right through to the late evening. Thank god for coffee and cigarettes. Speaking of which, I'm gasping for one. Considering we had both finished our meals I called the waiter over.

"I'm dying for a cigarette. Do you mind if I go out and have one?" I ask.

"Sure, I'll- " her phone ringing cut her off. She gave me an apologetic look before answering it quickly but not before I see it's caller ID – Larry. As the waiter comes over with the bill I pay for the both of our meals and left a decent tip.

"Jesus Christ Larry calm down! I'm in a coffee shop around the corner. You had your head so far up that guy's ass you didn't even notice me go, I did not sneak out." She argued with Larry. I couldn't help but smirk a little at her comment. "I'm with Alex if you must know. You can meet me at the coffee shop with the car and we can talk then." She replied, angrier than the first time she replied.

From the other side of the table I could hear him screaming something down the phone at her about getting coffee with me. Talk about controlling. Apparently Piper didn't want to hear it so ended the call, effectively cutting him off.

"Sorry. In case you hadn't guessed, that was Larry." She explained even though I already knew. "How much was my meal and why has the waiter gone? I haven't paid." She quickly changed the topic.

"I paid. It's my treat. You can buy food the next time we meet" I retorted with a wink.

"Next time?" she questioned, raising her eyebrow.

"Yes," I started as I stood up, "next time. See you around, Piper Chapman" I completed and left before she could say anything else. I could feel her stare on my back as I left her in the window seat of the small café.

As soon as I stepped outside I lit a cigarette that I placed between my lips. I inhaled the nicotine and slowly let it out. By the time I had got back to my beloved car I had finished my cigarette. I sat in the comfy, cloud-like, leather seat before inserting my key into the engine, turning my music up full blast and pulling away from the curb to return home.


Piper's POV

When I managed to tear my gaze away from the tall raven heads disappearing figure I looked back to the table and the cup in my hands. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something on the table – a notebook. I recognised it as one of the two Alex had been carrying. Curiosity got the better of me and I opened to the first page. Along the top in large writing were the words 'Litchfield by Alex Vause'.

Beneath it there's a rather messy brainstorm like she had rushed writing everything down. I heard the door to the café open and close so I stuffed the book into my bag knowing it'd be Larry and also knowing that if he knew this was Alex's he'd read through it all. That'd be an invasion of privacy. I mean, I only looked at it to make sure it was hers.

"What the hell were you doing buying coffee with the competitor?!" I heard Larry all but scream as he sat opposite me before he started a rant that could go on for hours. But all I could think was the fact that Alex was right, there will be a 'next time'. That 'next time' would be tomorrow. I'm going to pay Alex a visit at work.  

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