Prologue & Chapter 1

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 "Tori! Hurry up! You're on TV again!" my sister's distant voice echoed.

I placed a large red bowl onto the counter in front of me and began to pour out the contents in the steaming popcorn bag. I fed the bag into the the garbage bin and picked up the bowls. I shifted the bowls in my arms agin, and again as I rounded out of my kitchen.

In the living room, Tarah, my older sister sat cross-legged on our beige recliner, while my younger sister, Tatiana, sprawled out on the beige love seat. Her wavy chestnut hair - a trait all the ladies in my family share -  spread out around her like a halo. It has like a halo affect. She was definitely no angel, however. Quite the opposite.

I handed them their bowls and snuggled myself on the vacant, three-seater.

I looked at the TV to see an unfamiliar blonde reporter speaking animatedly in front of a forest background. Under her frame, the headline read, 'Hero Wolf Saves The Day Again.' I tuned in, interested now. 

"... and the two girls are very grateful for the animal appearing, at what seemed like the right place and time," she stated.

The scene switched to one of the girls. The name under showed 'Grace Leanne - Victim of Wolf Attack.'

"I'm still in shock about the whole thing." Her green eyes were wide as she recounted the event. It was as if she were watching the scene play out as she spoke.

"Well, at first, me and Natalie were putting the crackers on our s'mores when we heard these branches brake. Then, these like two huge wolves came out from the trees and started growling at us. We were extremely terrified," she said. 

My eyes took in her shaking form and I noticed her eyes starting to glaze over. Her actions were too small for the human eye to notice, though.

"Natalie and 'I'," my younger sister corrected, as if they could hear her.

I chose to ignore the comment and kept watching the screen.

"We were screaming, when all of a sudden, this big white blur backed them into the trees. There was so much growling so we ran. We're so lucky that that wolf was there, otherwise..." she trailed off and they switched back to the blonde reporter.

"Yes, you heard right. From the description given from the girl's, local zoologists have confirmed that the animal that has been this towns' very own superhero, is in fact a wolf. I'm Melissa Richards, A-24 News."

The screen turned black. I turned to Tatiana with a questioning look. I glanced at the remote, carelessly swinging in her hand and back to her annoyed expression.

"Can we watch the movie now?" she asked.

A smirk formed on my face. 


She scoffed at me and a light, teasing laugh escaped my lips. A result created from her clear envy.

"What ever do you mean, dear sister?" she asked, her scoff still firmly in place.

Tarah joins me in my laughter this time, much to Tatiana's dismay. We both knew that she was jealous of the wolf getting so popular in our small town, only because of the fact that our towns' very own hero wolf was me.


Chapter 1

I groaned, rolling over in my bed - which always seemed to get more comfortable in the mornings. Why is that?

"Shut up!" I yelled, praying that the person on the other side of my door takes my suggestion. Thier heavy fist connected to my white oak door repeatedly.

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