Chapter 13

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The guilt was eating away at me. McKenna sat in the passenger seat, skillfully retouching her eyeliner in the moving car. I had promised to take her to the party, so that's what I was doing. A large part of it was also because this would be the last time I ever partied with her. Maybe the last time I ever did anything with her.

Thinking of that made my heart pull in every direction. I realize now that I connected with McKenna too easily. I only have myself to blame for that, I know, but having to leave without a goodbye or any way to talk to her was aiding the guilt feasting on my insides.

We have tonight, I thought.

I was driving to Alec's party, nervous now, for a whole different reason.

"So, how do you feel?"

"What?" I asked, casting her a worried glance.

"About being the two hottest girls at this party," she explained, completely serious.

I had to laugh. She always knew the stupidest things to say to make me laugh.

She let out a breath of relief.

"Thank God. I thought you were going to be like that the whole night," she said.

"Like what?"

She didn't answer me, only stared.

"What's up with you, Tor? You're unusually quiet." she stated.

"Nobody plans a murder out loud," I tried.

She knew me well though. Thankfully, we had arrived at our destination.

"We're here," I said, pulling into a parking spot. It was probably the only free one here.

"I'm excited!" McKenna gushed, dropping whatever it was she thought that was happening with me.

"Me too," I forced.

We got out of the car and walked up to two daunting doors blocked by an even more daunting man. Without my werewolf hearing abilities, the music playing behind those doors would only sound thumping, but I could hear it just as clear as I would inside.

"Name?" the man at the door asked.

He was a wolf too. He was big and had a face that looked like it didn't know what a smile was.

"Tori. Tori O'Conner," I answered.

He didn't even check the list in his hand, he just gave me a curt nod and opened the doors. There was another big guy inside the club - also a werewolf - and the bouncers exchanged some sort of signal. The second bouncer gestured for us to follow him. The deeper we got, the more the smell of sweat and alcohol attacked my senses.

I followed the man with McKenna trailing behind. It wasn't easy for her to keep pace with us in 6 inch stilettos.

"But I look so good," she defended, after I had told her they were a bad idea.

We were led up a metal, spiral staircase, I was guessing to the VIP section. Like some sort of trend, I smelled him before I saw him. As we got to the top, Alec and some of his pack - I'm making an educated guess here - were either sitting on the tables, or dancing by the rail overlooking the club.

He turned around, looking very - very - good in black skinny jeans and a beige polo sweater. It was a tight - obviously, what else should a well muscled man wear? - long sleeve.

"Tori," he smiled.


"Glad you could make it." He embraced me in an unexpected hug, sending multiple tingles throughout my body.

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