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Hey guys, so I feel like I should explain myself.

For a very long time I have been unhappy. I have never really been confident in myself and I've struggled with extended family issues almost all my life. I didn't think anything of my unhappiness when I was little, until I reached high school. Then I became more and more unhappy. After a while I realised it wasn't just unhappiness but it was depression.

After realising this, I felt ashamed of myself. I felt weak and pathetic. Like, "Why are you such a screw up?" I tried to hide it from my friends and family. One of my teachers saw something was wrong and she sent me for "mandatory school counselling", I hated it. I wasn't allowed to tell my parents and I had to spend 1 hour every Friday in a small dark broom closet with a really weird man who interrogated me about why I'm such a 'failure'. I sunk deeper and deeper into a hole until I couldn't even see the light above me anymore. Then the unthinkable happened. I was told one of my close friends tried to commit suicide. I was dumbstruck. I couldn't understand why someone who had such a bright future ahead of them would do something like that... and it forced me to take a step back and re-evaluate my own life. I realised that I don't have to hide and that depression isn't something to be ashamed of myself for.

Everyone has their own burdens to bear. I can speak Afrikaans and in Afrikaans there a saying: "Elke huis het sy eie kruis." It means 'Every house has its own cross to bear.' It then struck me that I'm not the only one who is struggling to keep my head above the water, so I told my parents and I'm now on some medication that is hopefully going to help me.

I am so grateful that you guys continue to support me, and I haven't received one hurtful comment and that means so much to me. You guys mean so much to me. I love you all and I just wanted to say once again how sorry I am for not updating, it wasn't my intention to stop writing. I love writing and I have always wanted to be an author.

I am almost done with my Grade 12 June exams and then I have 3 weeks of holiday. I will hopefully, (touch wood), be able to finish His Girl is a...Fighter? !!!

You guys mean the whole wide world to me and I hope I haven't chased too many of you away with my lack of updating.

Lots of Love


P.S. If anyone is going through a tough time, remember you are not alone. There are people out there that love you and care for you. I love and care for you. You are stronger than you think and you WILL make it. If you ever need to chat you are more than welcome to message me and we can talk. Love you guys lots and lots like jelly tots !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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