Just let me talk.

31 10 11

I hold my stuff in.

And I guess this is a rant?

I dunno, but these are MY thoughts.

If you can't handle it...then get out of my face.




Good!! XD

Okay so some people annoy me.
Not gonna say who.

But it's mostly because of what they do.

1) They get me annoyed for no reason.
2) I don't like their vibe.
3) They "act" innocent even though they aren't.
4) They do things that get me mad.
5) They did something messed up to me in the past.

If I'm annoyed by you.
I will tell you.

Do I want to fix it?
Depends on who you are.

Some people keep making really really stupid decisions. XD

And it's annoying.
And stupid of course.

I say this now because I kept holding it in.

So here's the thing.

If you annoy me.
I'll call you out. ((: Because why hide my true feelings?

So if ya wanna fix our relationship, I don't care. Go do it.

If you don't.


I still don't care. XD

B A I.

And thank you for listening.

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