CH. 4

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"Overseas mixtape tourin', you was probably thinkin' 'bout me durin'," Poetrie and D'Wight recited as the beginning of The Prayer by Kevin Gates blasted through the speakers of Poe's Benz.

D'Wight pointed to the sky as he and Gates prayed to Allah. Taking a right turn onto one of the back roads to get to Carter's school, D'Wight felt at peace with the way things were going in his life. He hadn't heard from Tati in the last few months, Carter was doing well emotionally and academically, and the love of his life was almost his.

Pulling into the loop of Carter's school and turning down the loud music, he unlocked the doors and watched as Mrs. Louis opened the back door to get Carter settled in.

Pulling off and seeing that familiar grin on Carter's face, D'Wight knew he'd have to take a trip to the toy store. "Another 'Good Day', Maw?"

"Yes, Daddy!" Carter exclaimed, kicking around in her seat.

"You're not lyin' to Daddy are you? Let Poe check ya' folda', baby."

Shuffling around, Carter slid her folder over the middle console to hand to Poe, "Here, Ms. Poe. Tell Daddy I'm not tellin' any stories."

Opening Carter's school folder, Poe looked for today's date and was impressed. "That's right, D. Another 'Good Day'."

"Check ta' see if she has any announcements?"

"Just a cookie dough sale coming up and she can wear jeans tomorrow because of her hard work this week."

"You mind comin' ova' fo' a lil' minute to get her hair straight and pick ot' her school clothes tomorrow?"

"You know that's not a problem, D. As long as you're doing a lil' sum'n sum'n for me once I'm finished?"

"I got you, Mama," D'Wight said with a wink and lip lick.

"Ms. Poe', can I ask you something?" Carter said as she played with one of her dolls as Poetrie put the finishing touches on her hair for school tomorrow.

"Sure, my baby. You can ask me anything."

"Why don't I have a Mommy like everybody else at school? My friend MaKayla says I'm supposed to have one."

"What did I tell you about MaKayla, baby?"

"To stay away from her, she's no good."

"That's right. I thought after she said you let her have your crayons and you only let her borrow them, you were done with her because she got the teacher on her side and she got to keep them?"

"I was, but she let's me use them now," Carter said as she turned around to face Poetrie. She was always taught to talk to adults with respect and to make sure she made full eye contact.

"It doesn't matter if she let's you use them, love. I bought you more, the pack I bought you even came with a pencil sharpener. Not like that five pack your Daddy bought for coloring books."

"I know, Ms. Poe', but.."

"I know, what Carter? Leave Lil' Becky alone, she's tattled on you too much for my liking. You get a recess detention one more time for her foolishness and I'll be up there myself instead of getting your Daddy involved." White privilege is a bitch, Poetrie thought.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Now about you having a Mommy.. Just because your Mommy had you, doesn't mean it was placed for her to be in your life and take care of you. Jesus takes people out and places them in your life for a reason. You get that baby?"

"Yes, ma'am. So that means you met my daddy for a reason?"

Poetrie smiled at Carter's curiosity, "Yes, baby. I was placed in your daddy's life for a reason, we just don't know why yet."

"Maybe the reason is for you to be my new Mommy!"

"That may be so, love bug. Now, can you be a big girl for Ms. Poe' and go say your prayers and wait for your daddy to tuck you in?"

Carter nodded her head, picked up her toys she had around, and made her way to say her prayers.

Releasing a deep sigh, Poetrie sat back and thought about what it would be like to actually be a mother. Would she actually give her kids the life they truly needed? She had enough practice. She basically helped D'Wight raise Carter since she was one and a half. Changing diapers, making bottles, picking out clothes, and doing Carter's hair became second nature.


Releasing for the third time, Poetrie tapped out from D'Wight's assault on her clit. She couldn't take it anymore. D'Wight was killing the pussy, as he normally did.

Grabbing a towel from the drawer that was marked as hers, she made her way to the bathroom and freshened up. Washing herself in her favorite body scrub, Poetrie rinsed off and stepped out.

Placing lotion on herself, she slid her thong over her ample ass and proceeded to lotion the top half of her body. Pumping the lotion in her hands, what she didn't know was that she had a one-man audience that was on attack. D'Wight had heard her talk with Carter and that made his love for her ignite in flames with extra lighter fluid on top.

• Something short & sweet showcasing Poe's relationship with Carter. I feel like it's time to up the drama, though.😘 •

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2016 ⏰

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